STANDING: Cong. Resolutions Part II – Freed From “White Guilt”

“I am tired of apologizing and being white-guilt tripped” Anonymous

Freedom From “White-guilt” Complex
When delving into this “nation of immigrants” official, government apologies for chattel slavery and racist legislation against the freed slaves and their succeeding generations, any uneasiness by certain Americans who are afraid of being guilt-tripped again, stating that they are tired of apologizing for something that they were not involve in, is very understandable.

However, those weary souls who take such a position are clearly ignorant of the facts surrounding heritages, generational and collective or solidarity responsibilities when marrying into families or becoming citizens of a nation, whereby they and their descendant children inherit the good and bad of their existence.

In fact, just like the descendants of willing immigrants inherit the benefits of their fore parents and ancestors gained from a nation founded on the suffering of other peoples, the descendant children of chattel slaves reap the consequences of their ancestry as well, which loss.

Frankly, We the People Posterity of the founding fathers of this day are not guilty of inflicting this wound to the our country’s soul, but rather are the inheritors charged with the responsibility of stopping infectious aftermath “journeying” down the generations, even through us to our descendant children.

WARNING: Regardless of “legitimate” excuses, if we decide to reject the charge passed to us,  and the sickness infects our descendant children, then there is guilt before humanity and GOD.  In fact, we will be guiltier than the previous generations because, there exist plenty of examples of the past to guide us in the present and into the future, therefore no excuses. See Lincoln Gettysburg Admonition and Warning

Nevertheless, it stands to reason, Americans rejecting responsibilities of the nation’s past, or the dysfunction  of the family they married into, must simply and morally divorce themselves from the situation, that is, to vacate America, and leave the families from which they benefited.

America is not free. It was bought and paid for by sufferings of our conjoined ancestors and fore parents

The Scenario: Physician Second Opinion
Initially, some Americans reject the official US federal governments position regarding the lingering, generational devastations of 40 years of slavery, morphed into225 years of chattel, followed by 99 years of legislated racism – Black Codes/Jim Crow, and 48 more of failed, government social policies and programs intended to rectify those horrific 364 years of unparalleled oppression of an innocent peoples.

Being of willing immigrant heritages, these Americans resistance to the Resolution Apology stems from the over 50 years of harassment for this “nation of immigrants” continuous benefiting from their fellows sufferings.

These Americans rightly feel that they have been guilt-tripped by the “usual suspects”, African-American, Civil Rights leaders which have not had the Healing of America in mind, but rather the opportunity to exploit this tragic situation for their personal gain.

However, simply because a cancer patient has been correctly diagnosed by a physician who is more concerned about point out the disease and  thereby feigning treatment for the sake of money instead of healing it, does not negate the reality of the sickness.

The diagnosis and procedures for healing America prescribed by the “usual suspects” has finally run its course, allowing for “a new physician”, who is kind, merciful and skilled to properly handle cancerous matter of the nation.

Moratorium on the nations business as it relates to the impact of immigration reforms, past, present and future upon American Black US citizens, the descendants of chattel slaves, and Jim Crow survivors, will lead to a nuance approach to Healing the national “wound”.

See STANDING: Cong. Resolution Part I Resetting Race Relations and Part III Excerpts
