STANDING: Cong. Resolutions – Part I RESETTING Black-White Race Relations

 In Order To Have A Post Racialist Nation
“I am tired of apologizing and being white-guilt tripped” Anonymous

See House and Senate Apology Resolutions
See Moratorium Is Enacted In US House of Reps

Collective, Generational Responsibility – RESETTING Race Relations
In light of the racial confusion presently embroiling this “nation of immigrants”, particularly since Barrack Hussein Obama was made the so called First African-American “black”, President of the United States of America, with Eric Holder as Attorney General.

While these two gentlemen with brown skin-racial features, neither of them are of the British-American/USA chattel slavery-Jim Crow heritage, but rather that of immigration.

Yet, through them, instead of them creating measures by which this We the People can heal our beloved nation of the inherited, 1776 chattel slavery-race “wound”, apparently they have simply agitated and exacerbated it to a near fatal point.

Moratorium: “Nation of Cowards” Answering The Holder Challenge
In February of 2009, just over two months since the November 2008 election, the team challenge We the People to deep and meaningful discussion around the issues of racial tensions in America, with the accusation of calling this “nation of immigrants”, one of “cowards” until we resolve the matter and become indeed a post-racial society.  Interesting, coming from two “off shore” individuals

Therefore, by the matter of Moratorium, Americans can now have a genuine, qualitative and quantitative discussion on the matter of race that has plagued the United States from its 1776 birth from the British Empire.

For years, racialist, race-baiting, so called Civil Rights leaders have beaten down and “guilt-tripped” Americans who happen be Caucasian-White as racist oppressors of the chattel slave descendants and Jim Crow survivors to the point of making them weary with wanting to rectify the situation at all that they were born into.

However, what is not known by at 99 % of the US populations, after 143 years since the end of chattel slavery, via both Houses of Congress, on behalf of all American, the federal government has by resolution issued an official apology for slavery and legislated racism – Black Codes and Jim Crow.

Next Step In The Resolution
Therefore, instead of Americans attempting the impossible task of shouldering the burden of this “nation of immigrants” role chattel slavery, etc, their embracing the honest, truthful intent of these Resolutions being the official policy of the * federal government, they will find refuge and freedom from the racist attacks by the race-baiters.

•    In some instances, that of States such as Virginia and North Carolina, including Judaic-Christian denominations, et al. In other words, as Jesus says, “The devil comes, but he has nothing in me”.  As long as that Resolutions stands, all Americans can now be free from the so called White-guilt complex.

Now the “Next Step” in the process of healing all of America, that is, the descendant children of former slave masters (immigration heritage), as well as those of formers chattel slaves (unwilling immigration) is to heed the prescriptions of the Resolution, which in so many ways, Moratorium is a wonder remedy.

As the leading voice of chattel slaves, et al, on the issues of immigration (legal and undocumented), and recognizing the destructive antics of the “usual suspects”, fake Civil Rights leaders, I and the Capitol Hill National Caucus (CHNC) are entreating this “nation of immigrants” for the opportunity to “RESET” with it the discussions whereby we can apply Healing remedies.

See STANDING Part II- Freed From White Guilt and Part III Excerpts
See Moratorium Is Enacted In US House of Reps
