Chattel Slaves In A Mythical “Nation of immigrants”

“Illegal immigration hurts US black citizens more than anybody else in this ‘nation of immigrants” POTUS Donald Trump (paraphrased) – True or False?

The term “America is a nation of immigrants” is incorrect, offensive, immoral
and therefore dangerous to national security

See the following links:
“White Citizens” Experience, Not Skin Color Parts I & II
Purging The Term, “Black” and “African-American” et al
“Experience: Not Minority/Majority Status

We the People of the United States whom are charged and ordered to form “a more perfect Union”, profess it to be a Judaic-Christian, one “nation of immigrants”…“under GOD”, granted with a Republican government of, by, for them that shall not perish from the earth, as long as it fulfills its divine providential mission, being the following:

  1. …ending the peculiar institution of chattel slavery and freeing the slaves in a professed land of liberty, thereby stopping the mockery of America’s hypocrisy
  2. …granting US citizenship “as is enjoyed by White citizens”, i.e., immigrants, to freed slaves and Freemen;
  3. …export this true American Dream as the ultimate expression of freedom throughout the earth, that the real idea of America may be experienced by all within their native countries;

As there is a prevailing sentiment throughout the United States, professing itself also to be the “melting pot” of the world, that America is “a nation of immigrants”, a notion held and promoted by Presidents of both political entities.

“In order to form a more Union”, this matter of American national identity that is portrayed to the world and before its Judge, must be clarified in earnest, lest our country will experience the Dream peace that its peoples crave.

Debunking the Myth
While it is fond cliché’, the United States is not “a nation of immigrants”, and to continue such a saying is not only immoral and blatant slap in the face of the young Americans who fought, suffered and perished in the Civil War 150 years; the descendants of chattel slaves, and most importantly GOD Who requires “truth in the inward parts” (heart and soul).

If this is “a nation of immigrants”, who are those Americans that were brought to America chained and shackled in the hulls of wooden, ocean traveling, slave ships, i.e., the “Good Ship Jesus”?

The term, “nation of immigrants” denies the existence and even forced contributions of the chattel slave Americans, whose free labor made it possible for they of immigration heritage the freedom to “seek, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” i.e., property even chattel – living-human.

  • The term must be either of the following:
  • “Nation of immigrants built on the backs of chattel slaves and Jim Crow survivors”
  • “Nation of immigrants, chattel slaves and Jim Crow survivors”

As Americans of willing immigration heritages take pride in their identity in this nation, the descendants of chattel slaves, et al, can not appreciate such a legacy, but rather must and will embrace their pivotal role in the existence of this great nation, knowing that without them, it would and could not exist.  See Gettysburg Address Admonition and Warning

In other words, if chattel slave descendants and Jim Crow survivors is also too offensive, how is this “nation of immigrants” to identify and classify these peculiar Americans, who unlike them, have the moral authority to challenge the invasion and occupation of the United States by foreign, civilian nationals.

Immigrants can not properly address Americans of immigration heritage for obvious reasons, whereas, the descendants of chattel slaves et al, being the captives of immigrants are the only peoples with moral authority to demand enforcement of the Supreme Laws of the US Constitution, the enforcer of the Declaration of Independence.

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