Ted Hayes
Justiceville, Civil Rights, Homeless Activist
Capital Hill National Caucus (CHNC) – Conservancy for the Preservation of Black Citizens
(Friday, March 9, 2018)
“There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have
loyalty, honor, and patriotism enough, to live up to their own constitution.” (Frederick Douglas)
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:
‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”
(Dr.-Rev. MLK, Jr. “I Have A Dream”, August 28, 1963)
“All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper.”
(Dr.-Rev. MLK, Jr. “I Seen The Promised Land”, April 3, 1968
The Hon. Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC
Re: Audience with POTUS to assist him to keep his promises to US black citizens
Greetings POTUS Trump, Shabbat Shalom!
Thanks for receiving this correspondence of an EMERGENCY Crisis nature.
Sir, I approach you by the authority of Section 8, as well as they of 1, 2, 4, 5, particularly 8 and 9 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, which as you know, is the Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, the National Birth and Identity Civil Rights certificate, belonging solely to US black citizens, upon whose ancestors 245 years, chattel enslaved backs, this erroneously purported, “nation of immigrants” is built.
This letter concerns your Tuesday, March 13th visit to Beverly Hills for a political fund raiser, adjacent to Los Angeles, our country’ national capital of homelessness, wherein, black Angelino, US citizens are circa 11% of the citywide population there, they/we make up over 40% of that which is homeless.
In LA’s downtown Skid Row, its “ground 0 and black hole vortex”, which has become the new black community of this city, 90% of the homeless persons dwelling there on city sidewalks, in a culture of denigration, internationally shaming our country, are Black Men, followed by Black Women and their INNOCENT Children. Such a travesty!
With all due respect sir, how can you profess to help black citizens, yet come to Beverly Hills for a political fund raiser, and not visit, nor at least address our homelessness EMERGENCY Crisis here?
In fact, the City and County of Los Angeles, as well as the California State Legislature, has declared homelessness an EMERGENCY Crisis, and one that demands direct, Presidential action.
Respecting the lateness of the hour and your tight schedule, my colleagues and I request a very brief audience, either with yourself, or even meeting with your staff for initial arrangements to later share our winning plans and strategies at the White House.
In the meantime for your careful consideration, our request is based on the combination of:
- Our 14th Amendment-1866 Civil Rights Act authority;
- Your very own words on behalf of, and to us black citizens, saying the following (paraphrased);
- Illegal immigration, i.e., CIIR (comprehensive illegal immigration reform) matters such as DACA, and Anchorism, amnesties, etc., hurts black citizens more than anybody else;
- I know your generational plight of oppression, particularly in the urban centers, now being transformed into sanctuary cities where most you dwell, by the hand of the Democrats;
- I want to help you. What have you got loose?
- I seek to emulate and even perhaps do better than President Abraham Lincoln, meaning completing what was on his mind when he was suddenly cut off from finishing it on the eve of April 14, 1865;
My colleagues and I do hereby, offer to help you begin achieving your commitment in a very, rapid and practical way, via the Justiceville, Marshall Plan-type strategy, which your staff can initially peruse located at these websites: www.DomeVillage.us | www.TheCHNC.us | www.The14th.us.
For vetting, they can Google and You Tube “Ted Hayes” and course, ask FBI
As this republics’ Number One, We the People citizen, according to the POTUS oath of office, and 14th Amendment dictated duties, we are expecting you, with our help, to keep your sacred words to us, and the nation.
For arrangements, you may reach me at 424-248-4219 or email Ted@TedHayes.us
Thanks for your consideration, leadership and quick cooperation
Ted Hayes
Agape-Shalom, Tikkun Olam!