“Don’t Pull The Trigger”…at least not yet!

See Disclaimers and  Mission Statement –

See this very brief video appeal, NOWgun 6“Don’t Pull the Trigger…”

Not until...Congress has conducted, opened, balanced, thorugh, bi-partisan, hearings and investigations to determine the astronomical impact of comprehensive immigration reform (CIR), past-present-future, positive or negative upon the American black, US citizens, so called African-Americans, Negroes, Colored Peoples, etc., i.e.,
descendants of chattel slaves and Jim Crow survivors.

The Hon. President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump Says…
“Illegal immigration hurts United States black citizens more than anybody else.”

Is this true or false?
Because such Presidential sentiment has grave and foreboding consequences…
Agree or disagree, this POTUS claim must be taken seriously, countered, questioned and investigated

  It Must Not Go Unchallenged and Unanswered
By every Congressional Caucus, especially those of the Hispanic/Latino and Black Caucuses
for obvious reasons as their constituents, are at the very center of this matter.

Passing immigration (“illegal”) Reform without investigating its past, present and future impact upon them,
is like putting a gun to the head of American, Black US citizens, and pulling the trigger.

Agree or disagree, this claim by the POTUS must be taken seriously, countered, questioned and investigated 

Therefore, for the sake of the Union for which circa, 740,000, young, innocent, white boys and men, brothersplus 38,000 blacks of such,black faces who gave their lives in the US civil war over the matter of black lives held in American chattel slavery…don’t pull the trigger of comprehensive (“illegal”) immigration reform…

It’s in the utmost interest that every ethnic group of willing immigration that extreme concern is taken concerning the fate of the Americans upon whose ancestors’ backs that this “nation of immigration” is constructed.
As the late Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., prophesied on August 28, 1963…
“…for many of our *white brothers…
have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny
and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.”

Note: “White brothers” being of willing immigration heritage

 Also, it’s out *Constitutional law, combined with moral decency, courteousness and profound respect, to the 740,000 plus, young, innocent Americans boys and men whom gave their lives over and for “that cause” of concerning the Americans held in chattel slavery, that immigrant groups should want this unprecedented investigation.

The humble plea in this brief video that Congress, the President and Supreme Court must view entitled,

“Don’t Pull The Trigger Until…”

See and download Moratorium Proposition flyer for dissemination
[see Media-Press-Public Talking Points]

The Capitol Hill National Caucus (CHNC) was birthed on Capitol Hill, Washington DC, Monday afternoon, July 15th at the March For Jobs and Stopping Comprehensive Immigration Reform March & Rally conducted by Black American Leadership Alliance (BALA)  See Mission Statement and Disclaimer Clause

If you would like to establish a CHNC Chapter Command in your city, town, village, community, please visit Recruitment

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