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    The “Ted Hayes 4 National Homeless Servant Czar Campaign”
    Though 247 years Never Attempted, But Constitutionally Legitimate

    By The President of The United States of America

    In Order To Execute The Implementation of EXODUS II: 2028 Los Angeles Olympics Initiative (America’s Only Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan That Will Humanely Resolve Homelessness Throughout Its Urban Centers)

    Instead of raising masses amounts of money for votes by the failing, official 2- 4 – 6 years voting cycles of government ballot voting for public, elective office, this particular, non-electoral, unprecedented, but Constitutionally solid, political campaign, seeks​ the individual, and collective “VOTES of CONFIDENCE” of the American, USA, We the People.

    This Campaign of campaigns will catch the prevailing winds of, and surf the tsunami, political waves caused by the 2024 Presidential election, forcing this homelessness matter to that level whereby the Presidency will be determined; and subsequently, the then, President-Elect will immediately make appointment, theoretically, Ted Hayes, the national Homeless Servant Czar (HSC).

    The Federally Legal Credentials of Ted Hayes, De Facto HSC
    This Campaign is based on the authorization of the US Constitution, thereby forever ordering every President of the United States (POTUS)…

    …according to the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, and the 1866 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of American Africans, i.e., black citizens of the only and exclusive, federalized, super citizenship status in our nation, as well as other pertinent, related, legal documents of that greatest era of all US history, then and to come.

    Therefore, like no other, Ted Hayes is only and precisely equipped, “creme de la crème”, person with the necessary, GOD gifted, and “wilderness”, first-hand experienced acumen, able to succeed at this great, sacred task of America.

    The 38 Tenacious, Consistent, Years Legendary Credentials of The Proposed Candidate
    America’s longest, stronger than ever, most talented on the matter, social, humanitarian activist, as he:

    • deeply rooted in foundational causes of the present homelessness culture matter, such as the legendary, LA Skid Row encampment, Justiceville, the originator of the homeless-houseless encampments culture movement, and the historical Dome Village;
    • co-initiator with the LA ACLU, the “not guilty” legal case of the October, 1985 “Defense of Necessity” protecting the right, or necessity of homeless – houseless persons indwelling on public property until…
      …inadvertently, becoming THE foundation and impetus for the so called, ACLU “Homeless Civil Rights Acts”, such as Jones, Boise, and several others, restricting public health and safety enforcement, thereby fueling long-term encampment dwellings;
    • initiated the statewide, multi-billion, taxpayers’ dollars “Cold-Wet Weather Program”, literally saving tens of thousands of lives from destructive weather, as well as providing healing opportunities, and preventing sickness, along with other meaningful social services, for which we thank JAH, The Most High for;
    • successfully implemented the futuristic, Dome Village, which trended “tiny house”, and use of government sanctioned, vacant parking lots for such villages;
    • and with too much more to mention here.

    According to the Mandated Orders of the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, and the 1866 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of black citizens super citizenship status, like no other, Ted Hayes is the precisely equipped and prepared, “creme de la crème”, with the necessary GOD gifted, and “wilderness” first-hand experienced acumen, able to succeed at this great and sacred task of America…

    …therefore, it’s morally, righteously, Constitutional legally requested and expected of the US President to Executive Order and/or memo authorizing him as special Presidential Emissary-Envoy, commissioned to, and will resolve homelessness in a time sensitive impetus of the 2028 LA Olympics, preceded by the 2026 LA World Cup Soccer

    This legendary, trend-setter is by far, America’s longest, stronger than ever, most credible and talented on the matter, social, humanitarian activist will directly instruct the President and his staff on how he will encourage all Americans to enjoin themselves as an effective​ body politic of a functioning and effective:

    E Pluribus Unum – “Out of Many One”, New Order of the Ages – “Nordu Ordu Seclurum”, of our Union Republican Form of Government (Art.4. Sec.4), of which is Annuit Coeptis – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”

    to humanely (non-military enforced) resolve homelessness, as devised in the Justiceville, EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics Initiative. (see: EXODUS II at

    In genuine, nuance spiritual and patriotic work, Ted Hayes is courageously, and cleverly, stepping up to fill the obvious void of empty, traditional, 2 – 4 – 6 year, failing, government ballot voting leadership.

    The Winning Asset of US Federalized, Black Citizenship Matter (“The Super Weapon”)
    Ted contends, that American Africans, have always remained and will remain “mysteriously” loyal, faithful, and patriotic to the sacred Freedom and Liberty Ideals of this nation under GOD.

    This, despite how their ancestors were forcibly brought to America, as unwilling immigrants, against their wills, shackled in chains of the ancient, African slave trade, and transformed into American chattel (living human property) enslavement for 245 years.

    Yet, in true patriotic form, American Africans, such as Ted’s WWII and Korean War twice, purple hearted, “Buffalo Soldier”, combat veteran, have fought side by side with their/our white brothers in military conflicts that they/we had nothing to do with yet, we went and we still go.

    Incredibly, and loyally, American Africans have never led a massive, violent, revolt against the federal government as often feared by certain, paranoid parties, but rather have faithfully walked in the laws of our land.

    Therefore, if we American Africans, can yet be patriotic and even love America enough, as a foundational segment of We the People, faithfully strive to obey our Preamble commission, “to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, etc.”, Americans of willing immigration, have no excuse to complain about what is wrong with our Union, but rather emulate us in patriotism.

    The National, Moral High Ground Asset of the Federalized Citizens
    Such is not a matter of one American superior over another based on racial anatomy, i.e., skin color, etc., but rather on the respective experiences of each’s entry into the exceptional American Dream Experiment…

    ….one by willing immigration heritage, and the other by that of unwilling, chattel slavery, whereby, We the People, justifiably and morally, granted the latter with certain, equalizing “super” citizenship authority status.

    In order for Americans of the chattel slavery heritage to experience, the “equal justice/protection under the law” citizenship “as in enjoyed by white citizens”, initially and remains intended by the Laws’ original Subject Beneficiaries (The US Const. 1866 Civil Rights Act, Sec. 1)

    Please see the white and black citizenship metaphor, “The Battering Ram Citizenship

    The Unions’ Highest Moral Ground Cause, The 740,000 When America Was At Its Greatest
    The greatest moment, and always will be, as long as this Union Republic “…under GOD shall not perish from the earth”, was that of the US Civil War era, whereby young America was internally struggling to define what is intended by its highest moral proclivities of humanity, The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution

    This confused, internal fight killed circa 740,000 young, innocent white boys and men, plus 38,000 such of American Africans, including President Abraham Lincoln himself, along with the millions more wounded in body and mind, including their families to this day…

    over, for, and because of the state of American Africans.

    Never in the history of world civilization has one race of people went to war with itself over the sake the of another.

    The American white people have much to be appreciative of themselves about, even as The Most High granted to them.

    The Patriotism of Ted Hayes
    Demonstrating his personal, patriotic salutation to the Divine Ideals of America, Ted Hayes portrays Mr. Citizen Patriot, the living, human symbol of patriotism, honoring all military personnel of honorable standing, both active duty service and veterans, as well as first responders, including pre- and elementary school teachers, etc.,  See:

    So, in keeping the legacy of his people, Ted Hayes is stepping up to serve in this unprecedented and dangerous capacity

    Come, join the most exciting, unprecedented political campaign in our 247 years history as the only and exceptional, Divine Providentially led, Republican Form of Government.

    Visit the Website for instructions.  Welcome!

    ​Sincerely thanks,

    Reach Ted Hayes – The Proposed 2024 Candidate for President Appointed, “Homeless Servant-Czar (HSC)”

    * “Ted Hayes 4 National Homeless Servant Czar
    * See:  or www.TedHayes.US
    * Email:
    * [Mobile]: (424) 248-4219]

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