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See:Mission Statement

The Docu-Movie)about the healing and reconciliation of America
See: Ted Hayes For 2024 President Appointed Servant Homeless Czar

The Impending Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless Persons Into Internment-Concentration Camps

In the attitude – spirit, intent of the Olympic Games
For the sanctity of Olympism, which is “to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity” …

…it is the sacred intent of EXODUS II: LA 2028to initiate the global peace offering of Good Will to GOD, The Most High, El Shaddai, Creator of HIS Universe and Earth…

…via humanely resolving homelessness culture by the July 14th, 2028 OPENING DAY of The Summer Olympiad in Los Angeles,thankfully, the former, National Homelessness Capital and comparatively that of the Pacific Rim and the World

However, this BOLD, 4-6 years noble, Nobel Peace Prize objective can only be achieved by certain elements, they being:

US Presidential Authority and Influence, i.e., binding, Executive Order(s); Local Los Angeles public and private Stakeholders, as well as those national, and internationally; the Triad of 2028 Olympic Committees of LA, USA, and International; united, functioning, We the People US citizens, supported by world citizens of every nation; and of course, El Shaddai, The Most High Who Rules in humanity’s governments (giving them to whomever, HE wills, even the worse of them) [Daniel 4:17, Hebrew Holy Scriptures Torah], in that, Annit Coeptis “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”

Indeed, this unprecedented objective in all Olympian history, of modernity of 1896, and that of antiquity dating back to 776 BC in the town of Olympia, its first foot racing champion, a cook by the name of Koroibos, is indeed a BOLD initiative, even as White House, California-Arizona region Representative, Ms. Helene Schneider states,

“In terms of the ‘Exodus’ vision you and your colleagues are proposing, it is a bold one indeed to eliminate all unsheltered homelessness by Opening Day of the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.  I know many local stakeholders at the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, LAHSA, and multiple service providers share your vision of significantly reducing unsheltered homelessness throughout the region, though perhaps not quite as specific as your proposal suggests.  The more we all work together towards a common goal and process, the better the outcomes.”

Please enjoy your journeys of learning the content of this web sight which will stimulate and energize your hopeful imagination to now as never before in your life, creatively employ your GOD given gifts, honed talents, significant assets to take your place on this mutual Mandela or Samsara -“The Wheel of Life” – La Chiam, Divine cause to humanely resolve (meaning non-military enforcement) homelessness culture by OPENING DAY of 2028, LA Summer Olympics.

The Docu-Movie)about the healing and reconciliation of America