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Promo: CONFIDENT VOTE Ted Hayes, 2024 President Appointed, Homeless Servant Czar (Chappell)

    (vote-dir) [narrative]

    The First Attempt In The 247 Years US History of, But Constitutionally Legitimate

    The National HOMELESS SERVANT-CZAR, Presidential Envoy-Emissary IS COMMISSIONED
    By The President of The United States to, and will resolve American homelessness in a time sensitive impetus of the 2028 Olympics

    The Talking Points The Ted Hayes 2024 Para US Presidential Campaign

    Instead of raising masses amounts of money for votes in the failing, official 2- 4 – 6 years voting cycles of government, ballot-voting for elective, public office, this campaign rather, seeks​ the individual and collective “VOTES of CONFIDENCE” of the American, We the People.  See: How To Vote

    The Ted Hayes Campaign will:

    • exploit the “prevailing winds” and surf the political “tsunami waves” of the 2024 Presidential election, whereby homelessness becomes the central matter that determines the Presidency; and on election victory night, in good faith, the President-Elect will immediately appoint the national Homeless Servant Czar (HSC).

    As Appointed HSC, Ted Hayes Will

    • humanely (non-military enforced) resolve the masses of “visible” homelessness throughout America’s urban centers, beginning with Los Angeles, its’ National Capital and that of homeless, US Military Veterans
    • directly instruct the President and his staffs, including the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), and Domestic Policy Council (DPC), et al, on executing the implementation of the Justiceville EXODUS II: 2028 Los Angeles Olympics Initiative, America’s Only Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan That Will Humanely Resolve “visible” Homelessness. (see: EXODUS II at )

    The Authority Credentials of Ted Hayes HSC:
    The January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, combined with the 1866 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of black citizens’ super citizenship status.

    The 38 Yrs. Living Legend and Legacy of Ted Hayes:
    America’s longest, stronger than ever, most talented on the matter, social, humanitarian activism, deeply rooted in foundational causes of the present state of homelessness culture, such as the legendary Dome Village of 1993, preceded by that of the historic, 1985 Justiceville Skid Row, LA encampment, the originator of the homeless-houseless encampments movement.  (see more at Narrative)

    Aspiring, American Patriot
    Ted Hayes
    Portrays Mr. Citizen Patriot, the living, human symbol of patriotism, honoring all military personnel of good standing, both active-duty service and veterans, as well as first responders, including pre- and elementary school teachers, etc

    Be a part of the most exciting, unprecedented, We the People empowering, political campaign ever in our 245 years history as the only and exceptional, Divine Providentially led, Republican Form of Government.

    For more detailed information, The Narrative

    We the People:  If Not Us Who?  If Not Now, When?
    We Are The People That We Have Been Waiting For”

    Sincerely thanks for your CONFIDENCE In Me,

    The Blessings of The Most High Is upon us all,

    Ted Hayes
    The Proposed, 2024 Candidate, President Appointed “Homeless Servant-Czar (HSC)”



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