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The Evolution Of the Trump Homelessness Resolution Policies

    (EXODUS II) (trum-dir) (Ted Hayes)

    The mysterious evolution of former US President, Donald J. Trump went from not, to knowing what to do about homelessness, which for President who seeks to the Second Abraham Lincoln has seemingly devised one of draconian, nation, i.e., Union Republic-destroying measures.

    1. In the spring of 2019, when asked what will do about homelessness, Mr. Replied, “I don’t know. But I will do something.”
    2. Just over 3 years later, on July 27,2022, mysteriously and suddenly, Mr. Trump presents what is now a major component – “plank” in his 2024 Presidential campaign platform, the strategic, national, “Tent Cities” plan that militarily, enforces the relocation of homeless, US citizens into “huge tent cities on cheap land in one day”.
    3. Then, 8 months later, on March 2,2023, Mr. Trumps announces also as a sister “plank” component of his 2024 Presidential promises, to build ten, of what he calls, “Freedom Cities” for the wealthy, hence, the “Trump Paternal Twin Cities”

    The is a mystery that begs the question of what was the evolutionary process of Mr. Trump.

    The “behind the scenes” Justiceville influence on the Trump twin cities proposal

    The journey begins in June 2015, when businessman-building contractor, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for US President, of which statements he made as the campaigns’ political platform, caught the attention of Justiceville founder, Civil Rights/Homelessness Resolution activist, Ted Hayes.

    The messaging of candidate moved Ted to “track” and seek audience with the later elected 2016 President in order to enlighten, educate and instruct him on the related matters of homelessness resolution.

    Attached are the letters that was sent to the Trump Administration from its 2016 beginning via a “back door” connection.

    After long phone discussions and series of emails to the Presidents, young, male, African American liaison director, my information was passed on the appropriate desk at the White House.

    Then two and half years later, finally the President got around to addressing homelessness, initially by publicly and politically attacking liberal policies for the rampant pervasiveness of homelessness particular in California cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, its national capital.

    Its reiterated here, that when ask his solution, Mr. Trump replied that he didn’t yet know.

    On June 19,2019, Ted met with then LA Mayor, the Hon. Eric Garcetti about the Justiceville strategic national policy and plan to humanely resolve homelessness through the authority of the President of the United States (POTUS), especially the utilization of federal lands, via very little known, Article V of the Stuart McKinney-Vento Congressional Homelessness Assistance Act.

    Post this meeting, the mayor then, against Ted’s advice and without his participation, began speaking with Mr. Trump about homelessness resolution ideas.

    Then sometime in early September, the POTUS commissioned a committee that journeyed to LA to meet with Ted and his Justiceville White House Negotiating A-Team, which was followed by out two visits with US Interagency Council On Homelessness, under the auspices of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC).

    From late September 2019 to that of December, along with the two White House visits, by phone calls and emails, the Team spoke with the USICH staff at 2-3 times weekly educating them on homelessness resolution.

    However, due to USICH’s denial of the Team’s participation in the COVID crisis concerning homelessness, Ted broke off discussion with the White House.

    Then via his permanent staff connection of the Trump Administration, in July of 2022, Justice began discussions with the Biden USICH leadership on EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics Homelessness Resolution initiative, the first being preventing the pending, military enforced relocation of homeless, US citizens.

    Now is the strange than strange mystery between former President Trump and current POTUS the Hon. Joe R. Biden.

    Given how much Mr. Biden, the liberal, progressive, socialist-driven, Democratic Party, and particular, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), the supposed, “Conscious of the Congress”, et al, hate Mr. Trump, branding him as the racist, white supremacist in the history of the world, strangely are deafening silent about what seems to be a WWII ear Nazi-like concentration and American Japanese Presidentially ordered, internment camps.

    Strangely, from them no news conference rebuttals, demonstrations, protests and shouts of, “We told you so. He is a nazi that must be immediately stopped.” Yet, nothing form them!

    In fact, since Mr. Trumps July 22, 2022 proposal of what is now a significant component “plank” of his2024, Presidential campaign promise, on numerous occasions by letters to the USICH and directly to Mr. Biden, even as late a December 2,2022 zoom conference with the Executive Director and staff, asking the Presidents position, there still has been no writer reply as requested.

    Could it be, that Joe Biden agrees with Donald Trump?

    One would think that potential Presidential candidate for re-election, would politically attack that “plank” in the Trump platform, even as he did to the Democrats in spring of 2019.

    Even more strangely mysterious is that no doubt Mr. Trump is aware of what then Vice President, Biden under the Hon. Barach H. Obama Administration said on August 11,2011 to American African, black citizens concerning the Republican Party and themselves, saying, “Theyh gonna have ya’ll back in chains”, that is slavery, even according to Section B. of the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, that chattel slavery in America is abolished, “except in prison.”

    Knowing that the American African, US black citizens, the descendant of chattel slaves, whom are only 11% of the national population, yet over 60% of the homeless, the political intentions of Republican Party leader is essentially to military enforcement them into internment-concentration camps, i.e., “huge tent cities”.

    Concomitantly, as a sister city to those of the homeless, on March 2,2023, it appears that Mr. Trump once again took the federal land ideas of Justiceville, to construct what he calls, “Freed Cities” See “Trump Twin Cities”

    It’s our contention that both cities concepts originates in the EXODUS II plans of Justiceville, but with our fully accessing its “vital organs” portions, both are doomed to failure, and the subsequent ruin of the Union, and loss of our Republican Form of Government.

    However, perhaps, The Most Hight GOD, Who Rules in the governments of humanity, Mr. Trump will merge both cities concept into one, which will be real “Freedom Cities.”


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