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Tri-City Collaboration: Compton, Beverly Hills, Malibu


    Implementing A National, Strategically Comprehensive Policy and Plan That Humanely Resolves Homelessness Culture and Its’ “Mainstream” Causes

    The Narrative

    The Timeline Impetus
    We the People of the USA, in conjunction with all world citizens of the geo-political entities- nations in association with the Olympiad, Non-Government Organization, are fully committed to humanely resolve homelessness culture, throughout America, beginning in LA as a global model by Opening Day of the Summer 2028 LA Olympiad.

    With the proper civilian citizen-led, government leadership, the resources to accomplish the objective will be supplied to the inspired will of the masses of individuals and entities, according to the capacities of  their professional and amateur occupations which GOD, the Universe, Earth has assigned each to…

    THIS Unprecedented, World History Objective IS HIGHLY ACHIEVABLE
    (at least of Olympics, including ancient)

    The Great Collaborators Concur With the Necessity For
    US Presidential Executive Ordered EXODUS II: 2028, Combined with Olympic Moral Support
    In accordance to the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation of President Abraham Lincoln

    A special, POTUS (President of the United States), Executive Order(s) whereby the White House-based, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) will under the vigilant, daily supervisorial watch by a privately funded, delegation of We the People to ensure the implementation of EXODUS II: 22028 Los Angeles Olympic Gold Homelessness Resolution.


    1. Humanitarian, “Peace and Good Will”, with hopeful, visionary, attitude-lifting, uniting all concerned citizens, locally, nationally, internationally
    2. Generates significantly more unification of We the People body politic movement, both US Constitutionally and Morally.
    • Thereby, effectuating the execution of the necessary, Presidential MANDATES which orders all related government jurisdiction (state, county and municipalities), and social services to readjust their programs into that of the Presidents’, i.e., EXODUS II: 2028 which enforces national cooperation.

    Standing and Working On Good Foundation: Local Government Resolutions and JSAP
    Based on the foundation of 3 municipal Resolutions

    Resolution at:

    • City of Los Angeles
    1. City of Los Angeles, October 13,1998, authored by The Hon. City Council Member, 9th Dist., the late, Ms. Rita Walters (American African-black female)
    2. City of Los Angeles, 2011, authored by The Hon. City Council Member, 9th Dist., Mr. Jan Perry (American African-black female)
    • City of Santa Monica, March, 1999, authored by The Hon. Mayor – Pam O’Conner
    • County of Los Angeles January 6, 1999, authored by The Hon. Yvonne Braithwait-Burke (American-African female)
    • The Spring 1999, Ad Hoc JSAP (Joint Statement and Action Plan)
      authored and signed by the legendary personalities and Associations of the Law Enforcement Working Group Document, including then, LAPD Chief, Bernard C. Parks (American African male) and Ted Hayes, initiator (American African male)

    In The Matter of US, Federal Black Citizens Homelessness Resolution Policies

    • It is the homelessness resolution policy of the LA City-County Joint Powers entity, LA Homelessness Services Authority (LAHSA), to that of the White House, via its US Interagency Council On Homelessness (SICH), consisting of all 19 federal government departments, including HUD (Housing Urban Department), and HSS (Health and Human Services), is that “systemic racism” against them, is the primary cause of the disproportionate, and growing numbers and complexities of American federal, African-black citizens.

    Concomitantly, EXODUS addresses and resolves both these matters and many others related to them, which is what America and the world cried out for, i.e., “Black Lives Mattered”.

    This is our opportunity to finally and comprehensively with greatly inspired earnestness and simultaneously resolve homelessness culture, and other related causes of America’s woes, such as historical, generational racial wounds and pains.  (See attached “2008 Congressional Apology Resolution (simple) For Slavery and Jim Crow”)  

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