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Ted Hayes Is…


    (See Justiceville Legacy)
    Ted Hayes who is America’s, foremost, voluntary “lived experienced”, homeless/Civil Rights and global, internationalist activist,
    was born on the early morning of March 9th, 1951, in Columbus Georgia to a US Army, military family.

    Ted is the eldest son,having a youngest brother, Leon after him, of a Buffalo Soldier descendant who was a combat veteran in WWII in Italy and Germany, as well as that in the Korean Conflict wherein both, Sgt. Theodore  R. Hayes, Sr., was severely wounded in both wars, receiving 2 Purple Hearts.

    The Hayes family’s “household atmosphere” (far from perfect) of spiritually led by his beloved mother, Annie Dove Hayes who instilled in him and his siblings a strong sense of justice, fairness and social consciousness, is what sowed and nourished the “seeds” of Ted’s earnest passion for the well being for his fellow human beings, beginning these who are homeless –

    Ted’s formative years (12 to 20) were significantly affected and framed by his active participation in the Boys Scouts of America; high school celebrity and leader, including athletic star in basketball, track and field, being in drama club, won Actor of the Year, including elected “Most Likely To Succeed”, etc.

    For short period of time, Ted was involved in the late 1960’s, hippie-peace and anti-Vietnam War movements, as well as they for black militancy,of which he later came to his sensed about.

    Also, Ted became as leader of the early 1970’s Jesus People movement which began in Venice Beach and Hollywood California, and spread nationwide, even globally.

    Ted is also the father of four children, two boys and two girls with his wife (amicably separated), Mary Arlene Hayes, they having together 4 granddaughters, and one that is great grand.

    Voluntary Entering Homelessness Culture World
    The dramatic incident that ignited Ted’s activism was a Tent City demonstration set up by local activists in dubbed, “HOT” (The Homeless Organizing Team) in the civic center, i.e., “eye” area of downtown LA during the winter holiday season of 1984.

    Ted’s sudden and unexpected visibility, due to his unprecedented activism, through the news media gave momentum and trend setting concepts as well as moral value to the homeless – “Jesus” peoples cause, by shocking Government authorities to take various actions to relieve homelessness.

    Unlike anyone in US history, Ted voluntarily left his “home” and wen to dwell with homeless – “Jesus” persons, to access the “lived experience” whereby he could someday speak to the world about homelessness from the heart, he literally we to Skid Row, LA, to emulate the actions of Jesus/Yashua Christ/Meshiach orders of His followers, saying,

    “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”
    (Hebrew Holy Scriptures – The Bible Mathew 19:29)

    Also, in November 1993, born out of Justiceville, the Skid Row encampment in 1985, Ted led the establishment of the Dome Village, to date, the most innovative, even trend setting transportable, transitional facility for homeless – “Jesus” persons in US history, which successfully lasted until November 2007 (13 years).

    From his unprecedented and unparalleled, 8 years Justiceville experience of dwelling on the sidewalks, streets, beaches (Venice Beach), bushes and parks of LA, to the November 1993 establishing of Dome Village, to its end on November 2007 (13 years), Ted spent a total of 21 unprecedented years with homeless – “Jesus” persons, most of whom were American African, US federal black citizens.

    In doing so, Ted was granted by GOD an unsurpassed knowledge, understanding, and wisdom which has richly prepared him to humanely resolve homelessness culture for the present, nation threatening era.

    Electoral Politics
    In 1993 Ted ran as an official candidate for Mayor of LA, demonstrating that he possessed a broad array of knowledge and experience on the many issues concerning the quality of urban life.

    His electoral ambitions also motivated him to seek the 9th Council District of Los Angeles in 2000 and the office of US Congressional House of Representatives District California 35 in 2008.

    National Homelessness Resolution Plan and President Clinton
    In February 1998 Ted Hayes delivered to the White House of then Present Clinton, his proposal for the creation of a National Homeless Plan to eradicate homelessness in the next ten years. Since then, it has been his cause celebrity to gain Presidential initiative by what today he dubs “EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics”.

    The Government Resolutions and 1999 JSAP
    In October of 1998 the City Council of Los Angeles and in January of 1999 the County passed Resolutions in support of Ted’s plan, involving direct intervention of the President of the United States (POTUS) to execute a strategic national homelessness resolution plan, which is yet to be adjudicated.

    This Resolution was followed that of the LA County Board of Supervisors on January 6,1999  which is letter sent to then US President, William J. Clinton, even mentioning “Ted Hayes” as the initiator; then that of the City of Santa Monica; and again by LA City Council in 2011.

    In the Spring of 1999, Ted also co-authored a document entitled the JOINT STATEMENT AND ACTION PLAN of Law Enforcement Working Group.

    The document calling for the end of the criminalization of Homeless persons, is a supportive statement from top law enforcement officials such as: LAPD Chief Bernard C. Parks (while he was chief), L.A. County Sheriff  Lee Baca; James K.  Hahn (at time of signing City Attorney General; Gil Carcetti (then L.A. District Attorney); and State Attorney General Bill Lockyer; along with the L.A. County Sheriffs Association, and the L.A. Police Officers Association.

    The US Citizenship of American African, BlackCitizens
    Ted has become the nation’s foremost lay scholar on the 14th Amendment and its Progenitor, the 1866 Civil Rights Act as the official, National, Original, Birthright and Identity  Certificate of the federal, “super” exclusively and solely for the freed chattel slaves, Freemen, refugees, et al., and their descendant children, i.e., black citizens.

    Beloved  and Blessed Eretz Israel
    It is also the intent of Ted to intensify and increase his efforts to speak and up for the eternal existence for the Jewish state of  Eretz Israel, with Jerusalem as its capital city, even as ordained by  GOD – ADONAI/ELOHIM/HASHEM, The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob –Israel.

    The Sport of Cricket
    Ted is the “progenitor” of the rebirth of American born Cricket, and co-founder of the world-renown Compton Cricket Club – the Homies & the POPz, “America’s Cricket Team” and though considered a Sr. citizen, as the coach he actively and regularly plays the sport.

    Living Character Symbol of US Patriotism
    In ironic, yet serious fashion Ted has created an iconic imagery in the character that he portrays in public gatherings, rallies, parties, etc, whereby he dons the traditional outfit of Uncle Sam and has dubbed it, Mr. Patriot, formerly “Uncle Sam’s Nephew”.

    The 2004 Gold Medalist Olympian Daughter
    Finally, giving all thanks to GOD, Ted’s youngest daughter, Joanna D. Hayes, won the 2004 Olympic Gold Medal in the 100 M Hurdles in record breaking time in Athens Greece and has been chosen as the National Track & Field “Female Athlete of the Year” along with many other honors.


    1 thought on “Ted Hayes Is…”

    1. I vote for Ted Hayes for ANYTHING that deals with homelessness . He is an expert on the matter and filled with light years of wisdom l

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