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    Greetings Mr. Smith, Shalom!
    First of all, I thank you for your continued interest, support and participation with us in these homelessness resolution matters, beginning in LA, the USA, and globally.

    Actually, should the contents of this note resonate with you, perhaps, as in the past, we might we speak by phone asap.

    Knowing your very important schedule, and the immediate challenges you are facing, I will be very quick in my statement to you.

    Without going into details, as you know, I voted for Donald Trump twice, and likely to do so again, based on his great stances in protection of American African, US black citizens, as well as all Americans of this Republican Form of Government in which dwell.

    As you also know, the homelessness crisis in so called second and third world countries are far larger than our own, and has been occurring in them “forever”, while for America, it seems to be a recently, developing phenomena!

    Trump Not Racist: Loves America
    However, though numerically miniscule in comparison, as the purported, world’s moral leader in civil and human rights, etc., how America will morally address its crisis, which shouldn’t be in the first place, will determine future, world governance.

    In light of Hon. Donald J. Trump’s July 27,2022 stated plans to resolve homelessness by military enforcement, while as a patriot activist, I am duty bound to make “noises” about it, be assured that they are stealth strategies to actually bolster his bid for 2024 reelection.

    Knowing that Mr. Trump is “gas lighted” by the Democrats as “racist, white supremacist, etc.”, but is indeed, the very opposite, who loves this nation under GOD, Republican Form of Government and the peoples therein, I am confident that his is the winning hand strategy.

    Unable to make contact with him in order to affirm my theory on his homelessness resolution strategy, it is necessary for me to take actions that I deem appropriate for our Republics sake, even as Mr. Trump himself does.

    Hopefully, some kind of contact can be soon arranged, either directly with Mr. Trump, you, or someone else, that we may be on same page, and not “friendly fire” incidents with each other.

    It’s my firm belief the Mr. Trump is seeking to atone in Christ Jesus for past deeds in order to stand in innocence before The Most High in the Judgements, and as such, loves America.

    The Most Moral Decision In US History
    It’s my theory, that through his strategy, Mr. Trump is cleverly forcing the American people to morally, either “put up or shut up” on homelessness.

    Remember, Mr. Trump also says that if the American peoples disdain his plan as nazi-like and inhumane, he rightly questions them asking,

    Would they prefer to allow human beings, most of whom are disproportionately American African, black citizens, to languish and die in their streets, and while yet, continuing to complain to government about homelessness?  Which is more inhumane?

    Whether it’s him, or the Hon. Joe R. Biden, or any future President, basically, Mr. Trump is saying, if citizens don’t like homelessness as it is, nor militarily forcing them into what are essentially internment-concentration camps…

    …then it’s the legal and moral responsibility of We the People (not the government servant employees, including the POTUS, nor any one or two individuals), are ordered “to more perfect the Union, etc.”, must then devise their/our own, more humane strategic plan and order the aforementioned to implement it.  Thus far, they have not, leaving it up to the POTUS, et al!

    It is my view, that Mr. Trump is strategically placing at the feet of all Americans, the greatest and most significant, moral decision in US history since the Civil War, and now once again, its’ around the fate of American Africans, this time as citizens.

    To ensure that this moral decision making will occur, Mr. Trump has made his plan a center “plank” portion of his 2024 Presidential campaign platform, whereby locking it into discussion and debate through the rest of 2023, into the election year.

    Trumps Clever Political “Chess” and Partner Card Playing Moves
    Knowing the immutable, factual, historical, white supremacist mentally of the former chattel slave owning, Jim Crow legislating, Democratic Party, Mr. Trump is cleverly flushing to light, what finally, the whole world needs know about and what this racist entity, along with certain federal elements have been planning for decades.

    Together, we are making this a must-debated, election matter from federal, state, county, municipal contests as nearly every jurisdiction in the country is plagued by homelessness.

    Note: As a manifested domestic foe, the Democratic Party is assisted by America-hating, liberal leftist, “closet” capitalist seeking world enslavement, and its strategic partnership with the  foreign foes, i.e., socialism, and/or oligarchic totalitarianism, including the White House-led, 35 years of intentionally failed, homelessness resolution plans.

    It’s my theory, that when this debate reaches the Trump-intended, heated level, wherein the Democratic Party and its candidate, Biden, or?, are forced to into exposure, demonstrating the military option to actually be its plan, then Trump pivots, offering his Joker – “trump card”, EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics initiative.

    As far as I’m concerned, this is his clever, “flip-the-script” plan.

    Background of Trumps First “Chess” Move
    Interestingly, about 6 days post Justiceville, Negotiating A-Team’s first zoom conference with USICH, on July 27,2022, Mr. Trump made his first “chess” move, which signaled us to immediately begin to catching the Democrats in their dastardly deed.

    Essentially, strategically expecting that we would indeed jump all over it, which we have done, Mr.  Trump played this military option “card” for the moral activist to make a corresponding move or play.

    Of course, our actions may appear to the ignorant, as a rebuking challenge, when in actuality, knowing the Justiceville Ideals, has equipped us with just the right, attention-getting “weapon” – to assist him.

    We are thanking GOD, The Most High for utilizing Mr. Trump to set up what is becoming the central “fire storm” of the 2024 campaign.

    Since Mr. Trump’s July 27 pronouncement, and we, being in the Biden USICH, we have consistently, respectfully asked them whether or not he would counter his move, supposedly being their most hated, “racist white supremacist”, nazi-like, most evil man in world history.

    The Democrats Revealing Hesitancy
    Sir, for 8 months, the Biden Administration hasn’t answered our question.

    In fact, during our December 2,2022 zoom with Mr. Jeff Olivet, his staff and our A-Team of the Mayor of Malibu, the Inglewood, NAACP President, including Shai Abishoor, the Hon. Patricia Moore, et al, we posed the question again.

    Verbally, Mr. Olivet said that Mr. Biden does not agree with Mr. Trump, nor are there any policies or documentation of military use against the homeless anywhere in White House or federal government departments.

    We replied, that such is good news, however, the Trump USICH Executive Directors, Hobbs and Marbut, Jr., twice, vehemently, also denied such a policy, of which their response caused me great concerns.

    So, we requested that Mr. Biden make his position in official, written, documented form,
    First, as a Presidential Executive Order forbidding any military enforced relocation of homeless, US citizens into internment facilities;

    Second, President sends Order to Congress for permanent Congressional Legislation.

    Since December 2nd., the Biden Administration flat out refuses to answer one way or the other, which tells me that Phase I of Trumps plan is working almost perfectly, as we are diligently playing his card to us by us forcing this Democrat exposing matter, thereby destroying their secret plan.

    The Letters To POTUS and USICH
    You can access this matter in the series of letters that was sent to USICH staff and directly to Mr. Biden himself. Please see these links to the most recently letters at noting the most recent letters numbers of 56-61.

    You will notice in those letters, how we have also cornered and “fixed”, the Democratic Party, its CBC lackies, as well as the “usual suspect”, African-American, civil rights leaders and entities, including Farrakhan, Black Lives Matter, as well as they of the myriad of leftist, socialist entities, of which we pointed to the Biden Administration?

    One wound think, that these entities would finally see that they now have Mr. Trump right where they want him, in that what he proposes appears to be a stealth, nazi-like concentration camp idea, thereby affirming their suspicions of him.

    Haven’t you noticed how silent the African American leaders, including Minister Farrakhan, and all these Trump haters, et al, have been mysteriously silent.  The silence reveals everything!

    A mysterious silence has fallen upon them!  Their mouths are shut! Trump does it again.

    Therefore, the trap is sprung, when it is discovered that the Democrats don’t have a humane, homelessness resolution “plank” in their platform other than what the Democratic Mayor of Los Angeles, the Hon. Karen Bass has privately admitted, that Trump or no-Trump plan, it’s only by massive, military enforced relocation will it be resolved.

    As previously stated, now having over 8 months of official, government documents in the form of those letters, when the “fire” gets “hot”, the Democratic Party will be exposed for what it has historically been, Mr. Trump can then “suddenly” pivot, and play his wild “Joker” card, i.e., EXODUS II.

    Subsequently, this action will endear most black citizens, and youths, including many liberal Democrats to vote Trump 2024.

    So, as you can see, I’m for Mr. Trump, and somehow, communications between he us is in order ASAP, as I will not remain silent to watch our country destroyed, but will continue this course until we achieve our expected results, Saving the Union, and Keeping Our Republic.

    Thanks kindly, may the blessing of The Most High be upon us all,



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