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A-Team Dec. 2nd Prep Notes I


    Alright Team, here we go, Shalom!
    Well, for me, after 37 years of being ahead of the White House’s USICH 35 years, “housing first” policy, which has now demonstrated to be one that has fatally failed, costing in billions of wasted, taxpayer’s dollars and great loss of lives, I am thrilled and thanking The Most High for arranging all of America to finally face itself beginning with next Friday, the 2nd zoom session at 3:00 pm PCT.

    Though for decades being in the secretive background on both the political right and left, but now publicly exposed, and proposed by former, US President Donald J. Trump on July 26, 2022, is America’s most moral decision to make since the Civil War, and perhaps, in all US history, which is the ever growing potentiality of the military enforced, relocation of homeless – “Jesus” Americans, etc.

    By the way, based on the newly posted front page of the USICH web site, White Policy is noting and decrying the rapid criminalization of homeless –“Jesus” citizens, by 48 States, their counties and municipalities are understandably being forced to legislate laws against them.

    See  USICH Web Site  the subject “Collaborate: Don’t Criminalize”. Essentially, we are on the same team.  But notice the growing antipathy against homelessness culture, at

    Earlier, you received an email outlaying the two (2) simple topics of discussion.  Please carefully view them, as it’s highly important that you are cognizant of what is transpiring.

    Also, please study the contents of the November 6th letter sent to the POTUS, as that is what moved Mr. Jeff Olivet, Executive Director of the USICH to arrange this December 2nd session.

    So, please strive to be on point with this.

    While the original White House Negotiating A-Team participants will be present, they/you will not have a speaking role, but will be introduced to USICH.

    As it presently stands, subject to alteration after my lead-off consisting of introducing each Team participant, and setting up discussion, the first speaker will be Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center; followed by Mr. Willian “Bill” Watanabi, considered the de facto Mayor of Little Tokyo, then either the National President of the NAACP, the California State President and that of the Inglewood Chapter.At this time, we are not there proposing ideas to solve homelessness.  This is not a social service venture.

    There is only singular matter for your considerate understanding and cooperation which is,…

    ...we are seeking the prevention of federalized, State National Guards forcefully relocating homeless – “Jesus” people, US citizens into what may be termed “public health and safety facilities”, and that it.

    Only after we have secured the federal commitment to not employ military force to resolving societal maladies, i.e., homelessness culture, then we discuss the elements of EXODUS II: 2028, LA Olympic strategy plan that voluntarily relocate “Jesus” homeless Americans into productive, social strata mixed 21st Century communities. For refreshing on this topic, please see: “The EGIIP Summary” | The New Frontier “JFK Moonshot” | “Off The Streets, Onto Federal Land” | “Main Stream Resistance” 

    There is no to discuss all the great ideals for homelessness resolution, including that of Justicevilles, EXODUS II, are futile and wasteful, until We the  that exist, should We the People have the military enforcement option eliminated off “the table of brotherhood”.

    “I have a dream that one day, the sons (descendant children) of former slaves and sons (descendant children) former slave owners…will sit together at the table of brotherhood” (Prophet MLK)

    Remember, there is no brotherhood as long military enforcement against societal created maladies, is no longer an option.

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