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POTUS Let B. Executive Order Forbidding The Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless Citizens

    Greetings Mr. President, Shalom!
    In light of the July 26,2022 pronounced proposal of former US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump, that if returned to the Presidency he would militarily enforce putting all US homeless citizens, i.e. “Jesus” into “huge tent cities on cheap land” outside of urban centers, etc.,

    Sir, if you disagree with the military enforced relocation approach to resolving homelessness, particularly in view of the fast approaching, 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, would you please guarantee such in two, official, written measures, they are; Presidential Executive Order, and the subsequent of sending it as a bill for immediate Congressional legislation.

    These conjoined measures forbid any use of military enforcement to resolve homelessness, according to the dictates of the January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, and the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, such action being condemned by the US Constitution as rebellion, and insurrection against the sovereignty of the United States of America.

    Therefore, Mr. President, We the People of American African, chattel slavery inheritance and heritage are absolutely expecting you in through this national security matter to do your diligence to preserve and defend the Constitution, directly championing this cause of black citizens.

    Sir, you and the Congress must and will do so “freely, without any mental reservation of purpose of evasion…will well and faithfully discharge the duties the office” for the black citizens of federal, “super” citizenship status from all military maltreatment!

    Instead, you will graciously issue the order that clears us to determine our own destiny, even according to Sentence 2, B of the Emancipation Proclamation stating the following:

    “and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

    Please notice that the mandate requires your and the military’s compliance to support any efforts that we may make for our actual freedom, regardless of whether you or it agrees with our strategic plans or not.

    Also, bearing in mind that thus far, the inability of the federal government’s rectify American, anti-black racism, along with poverty stricken maladies associated with it; and the failed attempts of USICH to prevent and end homelessness, warrants that you grant our legal right to make any efforts for our actual freedom.

    Thanks kindly for your immediate compliance to our wills,

    May the mercies of The Most High GOD be upon you and yours, as well as us all in this national security matter,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics


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