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POTUS Letter A – 1: “Immediate Audience POTUS”

    Greetings Mr. Biden, Shalom!
    Please allow me to introduce myself. This is Ted Hayes.  Please view: “Ted Hayes Is…” and “J-Ville: Legac-Videos-Tunes”

    On behalf of my fellow, American African, US black citizens, the most significant sector of We the People, expects you as President of the United States (POTUS), to readily heed their/our sacred plea, and immediate comply with us.

    Black citizens are of the only-exclusive, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act (The Act), federal, “super” citizenship status, based on the January 1, 1863, Presidential Executive Ordered, Emancipation Proclamation of the Hon. President, Abraham Lincoln.

    It is by this US Constitutional authority, we approach and expect from accordingly, the proper respect in our continual, generational quest for full, “equal justice-protections under the law”, American Freedom citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens.”  (The Act, Sect. 1)

    As the Subject Beneficiaries (SB) of these two interlocked laws of the Executive Branch, followed by that of the Legislative, empowers black citizens “to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, ensure Domestic Tranquility…”, for the saving of them/ourselves, thereby helping to Keep Our Republic.

    Note: It is upon the backs black citizens, chattel enslaved ancestors’, the US Declaration of Independence and Constitution is established, even this geophysical, and philosophical nation with its territories and international interest; to exercise their/our due and Divine commission.

    Mandated Presidential Audience
    In order for black citizens to do their/our patriotic due diligence, according to The Act, Section 8, the President of the United States (POTUS) is ordered to audience with, heed, and comply with the admonitions of its Subject Beneficiaries, i.e., as their protectorate from all harms stating,

    “…whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act within any judicial district, it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;”

    Sir, by audience with black citizens/us you will “have reason to believe” enough for appropriate actions to be taken for both rectification of “past offenses”, as well as any “likely to be committed” against their Section 1, citizenship, “as is enjoyed by white citizens.”

    Note: Section 8 is but one of three (3) compliance(s) ordered of the POTUS concerning the protection and support of black citizens, the other two being Sections 4 and 9, with US Armed Forces military, twice Sec. 5, 9; the federal judicial, under the Executive Branch, Sec. 3, and the US Supreme Court, once each.

    Further, this law of black citizens federal, “super” citizenship is founded upon the Emancipation Proclamation wherein the Executive Government, and the military, being directly under POTUS authority as its Commander in Chief, are to not harm, but rather support their/our ideals of self-determination in Our Republic, that it may be kept and the Union Saved, stating in Sentence 2, B. the following:

    “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

    Sir, please notice that the edict mandates that its Subject Beneficiaries are to be supported by the  POTUS and “military in any efforts they/we may make for their/our freedom”, regardless of whether you agrees or disagrees with our ideals.

    It is ordered of the first, Presidential Administration to be met by an obvious cognizant, literate to comply with “any efforts they/we  any make for their/our actual freedon”

    Of course, this action is based on several matters they being:

    1. The SBs’ are to be cognizant and literate enough to intelligently devise sensible, achievable strategies plans by which they/we properly execute the authority of POTUS and military.

    Note: In January 1863, 99% of the SB’s, i.e., American Africans were illiterate, being unable to decipher its meaning and comprehend situational circumstances in which they seek to apply their authority.

    After 160 years, this coming January 1, 2023, such a time has finally arrived.

    The situational circumstances are dire enough to trigger this highly special authority which are the following:

    1. The matter outlined in the attached document entitled, “The Great White House 2028 Olympics Homelessness Relocation Dilemma”, i.e., “The Three (3) 2028 Dilemmas”
    2. The the USICH’s admitted inability to resolve homelessness, plus the federal governments’ generations-old failure to rectify the systems of racism permeating our society which forced and/or drove black citizens into homelessness, as well as its continuation in it.
    3. Due to the double failures of both the federal government over the 245 years of its existence (1776 – 2023) and that of the recent 3 1 ½ decades of the White House based, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the auspices of the Office of Domestic Policy Council, it behooves the POTUS to order clearance for EXODUS II: LA 2028.

    Therefore sir, based on these lawful actions, as the first step to justified rectification and reconciliation, as well as according to the 2008, Official Congressional Apology Resolution HR #194, Apologizing For Slavery and Jim Crowism, we the descendants and exclusive recipients of the unwilling, chattel slavery inheritance and heritage, it’s imperative that you grant immediate audience with you and appropriate staff.

    Thanks kindly and the Holy Blessing of The Most High, El Shaddai be upon us all in this sacred matter,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics



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