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POTUS Let C: Black Citizens’ Presidential Right To Self-Determination

    Greetings Mr. Biden, Shalom!
    There are three (3) matters confronting our national security, they are:

    1. according to White House policy, “systemic racism” is the primary cause of black citizens to be the disproportionate in numbers and complexities of homelessness;
    2. the failure of federal government to address the ten (10) generations, i.e., 400+ years of racist values which drove them/us into homelessness;
    3. the USICH inability to resolve homelessness as such.

    Two Interlocked Matters of Federal Government Failure

    1. Systemic Racism – Of the 245 years of its existence, our self-admitted, imperfect Union, and struggling Republic to achieve the Nordu Ordu Seclurum – (“New Order of the Ages”), E Pluribus Unum – (“Out of Many, One”), of which is “Annuit Coeptis – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”, hence, One Nation Under GOD; the federal government has been unable to rectify and resolve it.
    2. Homelessness – Unable to resolve homelessness, the policy of the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) states that systemic racism has been the primary cause of black citizens being disproportionate lead in nearly every negative, national statistic of other ethno-racial identities in terms of numbers and complexities.

    Under the auspices of Office of Domestic Policy Council (ODPC), after 35 years (1987-2022) of existence, and having implemented four (4) failed or “OUTDATED”, strategic, national plans, even as late as 2020, USICH has been unable to end and prevent homelessness culture, thereby disaffecting black citizens the worse.

    This inability is no light and transient matter, as it deals with the very freedoms of black citizens, and our very lives, existence, fate in this erroneously purported, immigration nation under GOD, built upon the backs of their/our, chattel enslaved ancestors.

    In our Union Republic’s near future, is a rapidly developing, situational circumstance of homelessness culture in America which portends the inevitably rendering into inconsequence and subsequent elimination out of America’s hard-won freedoms, to be “put back into chains”, American Africans, federal, black citizens, upon whose chattel enslaved ancestors’ backs, this erroneously purported, nation of immigrants “under GOD” is built.

    The accelerating impetus driving this whole destruction of citizens described in the attached document entitled “The Great White House 2028 Olympics Homelessness Relocation Dilemma”, is the rapidly approaching 2028 Olympics hosted by US federal government, State of California, and the City and County of Los Angeles.

    In light of the embarrassing fiasco of the 1984 LA Olympics wherein US homeless citizens, primarily black, were shamefully by law enforcement chased, “swept”, “leaf blown” away out of sight of the then onlooking world, is correctly on the minds of the local, national, and international, governmental, as well as private sectors stakeholders in the 2028 Olympics are deciding the best way to relocate them this time.

    The Trump (Military Enforcement) Proposal
    Mr. President, due to the inability of USICH to fulfill its 1987, Congressionally legislated mission, and its admittance that the “housing first” option to rehabilitate domestic, US homeless citizens into the “mainstream” of society was incorrect, and “OUTDATED, leaves just two (2) option to meet the 2028 dateline.

    With such in mind, combined with the failed efforts of USICH, on July 26,2022, former, US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump pronounced a proposal, even as a major “plank” in his potential, partisan, political, electoral platform, which relocates, essentially incarcerates all homeless persons, including those in automobiles, et al, into “huge tent cities on cheap land outside” of urban centers in “1 day”, meaning military enforcement, and there supplied with all the necessary amenities for daily sustenance.

    Also, he questioned, that if this operation seems inhumane, what is more such, leaving them to dwell and perish in the streets, of which neighborhood/communities stakeholders complain.

    Therefore sir, in light of all these matters of failure concerning USICH, do you agree with the Trump proposal?  If so, why? If not, why not?  And if knowing that housing first option is unachievable, and rejecting military relocation, and “encampment management” is unsustainable, being out of options, my White House A-Team has proposed Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028.  See Mission Statement.

    These extraordinary government dysfunctions and failures warrant the imperative that as the most significant sector of the Constitutionally ordered, We the People, i.e., black citizens are granted all the Presidential “tools”- authorities to decide their own destiny in America.

    Sir, it behooves you to immediate attend to this most pressing, national security matter.

    My colleagues and I stand at the ready to hear from you.

    The blessings and mercies of The Most Hight GOD be upon us all in this American matter of matters,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics



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