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POTUS Narrative A-2: “The Presidential Authority of Black Citizens”

    The Authority and Power of the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation and 1866-68 Civil Rights Act”

    In light of the 400 plus years-ten (10) generations of ineffectiveness, i.e., failure of the federal government to rectify the unrequited injustices stemming from the national, soul wounding, 245 years of chattel slavery, and 99 years of Jim Crowism, finally, the season has come by which US black citizens are to now, imperatively execute and exercise their/our “super” citizenship, Presidential, authority to save them/ourselves.

    In interest of Saving the Union, thereby Keeping Our Republic, in a cognizant, body politic of We the People, it’s imperative that black citizens be fully supported in taking what prophet MLK identifies as the “Promissory Note”, and “cash” it at the “bank of Justice”, federal government, POTUS himself as its President, hence, their/our specialized, Presidential power.

    In the 1863-1866-68 era enactment of Presidential and Constitutional enforceable, federal law, circa 99% of its Subject Beneficiaries, i.e., American African, black citizens were illiterate, and therefore could not fully appreciate their latent authority and powers.

    Now that such is no longer the reality, but rather, in general, black citizens have an average of 4 grade literacy, thereby being just enough to now read and comprehend, thereby fully exercise and execute the laws enacted to us/them.

    1. and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

    The Imperative For The Black Citizens Right To Save Themselves From This Disaster
    The rapidly approaching, 2028 LA Olympics which will particularly severely devastate, even drive an agenda of genocide US black citizens, it is imperative for the Saving of the Union and Keeping Our Republic, that POTUS directly supports the EXODUS II Strategic National Plan.

    The correct policy of the White House, demonstrates that America’s 400 plus years of “systemic racism” has generationally made it near impossible for black citizens to experience “equal justice/protections under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens”. (The Act)

    As the ultimate manifestation of social maladies suffered by black citizens, in terms of numbers and complexities, this societal-wide suppression has forced them/us into homelessness culture where such practice is fiercely continued.

    In light of what is presented in “The Great White House 2028 Olympics Homelessness Relocation Dilemma” document, surely the Biden Administration will wholeheartedly agree with the justified quest of Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics, and grant black citizens their/our Emancipation Proclamation (EP) right for self-determination.

    This is especially poignant in the obvious failure of the federal government to rectify both systemic racism against black citizens, as well as homelessness of which they/we are the predominant factor.

    By empowering black citizens with their Constitutional, i.e., Emancipation Proclamation, and the 1866-68 Civil Rights Act, Presidential authority, they/we can successful address homeless via EXODUS II which leads to the longed for, allusive, “Black Manifesto” agenda.

    To otherwise, the White House, i.e., the POTUS, and all of America will hypocritically commit what Congress admits to in the 2008 Congressional Apology Resolution, HR #194 as the continuation of “slavery in America resembling no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;”

    Should we black citizens be denied our Presidential right to self-determination would simply be the continuing legacy of chattel slavery, i.e., living human property, and subsequently the ruin and dissolution of the Union, thereby not keeping but the loss of Our Republic.





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