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The NAACP Seeks, Expects Immediate Audience With POTUS

    “And be it further enacted, That whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act…it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;” [Sec. 8, The Act, edited]

    In order for the POTUS to “believe” enough to take the necessary, direct, and immediate actions in the matter of black homelessness, that “it shall be lawful for him”, he must first be personally accessible for the “whenever” time comes in which grieved, awakened – cognizant, intelligently authorized, black super citizens can reveal to him the evidences of the “offenses have been or are likely to be committed against This Act”.

    With the looming backdrop of the 2028, Los Angeles Summer Olympics, The NAACP, Inglewood is highly alarmed and subsequently deeply disturbed by what is speculated to occur around the relocation of domestic homeless, US citizens, particularly as it concerns American African, i.e., federal black citizens of super citizenship status.

    Therefore, the NAACP is requesting audience with the President of the United States (POTUS) and appropriate staffs of the White House US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), and its superior, the Office of Domestic Policy Council (ODPC), to discuss and negotiate the matters concerning the fate of American African, black, federal citizens of super citizenship status, they are:

    1. The July 26, 2022 Donald Trump Relocation Proposal
      Does the Hon. Joe R. Biden Administration agree or disagree with former, US POTUS, the Hon. Donald J. Trump’s Military Enforced Relocation of America homelessness citizens into what he dubs, “huge tent cities” on “cheap land” outside of urban centers, never to return to mainstream society lifestyle. If so, why? If not, why?Apparently, after 35 years, it now turns out that he USICH “housing first model” policy for ending homelessness is no longer a viable option, “OUTDATED”, as such is a financial and geo-physical impossibility, being impractical, the NAACP wants to know your plans, specifically as it relates to black citizens.
    2. Guaranteed Assurance Against Military Enforced Option
      Whether this relocation matter is a reality or not, the NAACP wants and expects the assurances and insurances to be officially made, written down, enshrined, embedded in document form which forbids, that under no circumstance will the POTUS dispatch the miliary, i.e., federalized, State National Guards, to forcefully relocate American citizens, anywhere by both:

      A.  Presidential Executive Order, based on the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln,
      B.  as well as the President sending such a bill to Congress for Congressional Legislation, even perhaps, an Amendment,Any relocation efforts must be totally under the influences of voluntary incentive, initiatives as proposed by the Justiceville E.G.I.I.P., now dubbed, EXODUS II: LA 2028

    3. The Disastrous Effects of 5,000,000 plus Foreign National Homeless On Black Citizens
      Another matter of grave concern is the effects that the recent, and sudden influx of the daily growing by hundreds, weekly thousands, not counting the so-called “got aways” of circa five million (5000,000) Foreign Nationals illegally, within our country in a homelessness state.
    4. What are you plans and strategies to successfully address this matter as you know, given USICH policy about “system racism” against black citizens, this could literally render them/us dangerously inconsequential? It bad enough as is, even by White House own sentiments.Note:The fact, that presently our federal government which is built upon the chattel enslaved backs of American African’s ancestors has strangely made way for this devastating to black citizens influx of FNH.
    5. Soon Coming Disastrous To Black Citizens, UN Refugee Status of FNH
      The United Nations International Human Rights Council, which has cited the USA, particularly LA, especially as it relates to homeless black citizens, will imminently declare Foreign National homeless, as “REFUGEES” and their makeshift encampments, as well as the tent cities, like in New York, “REFUGEE CAMPS”.This action will thereby once again put more undue pressure upon the already burdened backs of black citizens, as the international communities will rush to interfere in the domestic business of our country, ignoring the real American REFUGEES noted in the US Constitution via the 1866 Civil Rights Act, Sec. 4.The NAACP, needs know how USICH is planning to protect the Subject Beneficiaries of the Law, as mandated by The Act, and the Emancipation Proclamation, or being in contempt of the US Constitution, and deemed rebellious insurrection against the United States of American Union Republic.
    6. The NAACP directs and expects the POTUS to issue an Emancipation Proclamation-like Presidential, Executive Orders whereby the Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team granted the unprecedented utilization of their Constitutionally designated President championed authority, power and influence to execute and implement “…any efforts they may make for their actual freedom”.

    Therefore, the NAACP is directing the USICH to open channels of communications with the Chair of USICH, the Hon. Marsha, and ODPC Director, the Hon. Susan Rice, both of whom are fellow, federal black women citizens, that arrangements can immediate be made for Emergency audience with the Hon. President Biden and staff on our dire concerns.

    The Narrative
    Having run out of humane options to resolve homelessness, as previous national strategic efforts are now proven failures, being “OUTDATED” such as the 35 years, much vaunted, so called, “Housing First” model, the White House is contemplating a two phase relocation process, they are:

    1. Encampment Management program, which is doomed to failure as it thus far, lacks the three (3) proper-essential elements that would ensure its success;A.  Domestic Peace Corps (DPC)

      B.  Suitable Relocation Locality
      C.  Multi-mixed multitude of EXODUS II population of transformed, former, homeless persons and any US citizens of all sectors of the social-economic strata

    2. Military Enforced Relocation to “huge tent cities” on “cheap land” outside of urban centers indefinitely, i.e., internment, concentration, reservation camps and slave plantations, due to:

      A.  Expected, Encampment Management failure

      B.Disgruntled neighborhood residents; retail, store front, business proprietors, property owners; law enforcement, essentially being tolerance expended, society will have no complaints when the homeless are relocated, thereby retrieving their school areas, parks, beaches, store fronts, along with the absence of noisy, anti-social behavior and crime, etc., thereby unwittingly sealing their own fate to fascist, anti-American tyranny as well.

    It’s now left to us black citizens of the special, federal, super citizens status, who possess the US Constitutional authority and the nation’s the sacred, moral high ground power to rescue ourselves, and subsequently, Save the Union, and thereby Keep Our Republic.

    As evidenced, and rightly, nobody will, or can do this for us, but ourselves, by the gracious mercy of El Shaddai, The Most High GOD Who rules in the governments of men, setting over them whomever HE will, even the worst of them.
    (Daniel 4:17)

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