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Why Black Lives Are For All Lives

    In the aftermath of the Black Lives Movement of 2020 by which non black, primarily, young, white Americans who led the shaking of the whole shouting in the streets, “Black Lives Matter”…

    …EXODUS II: LA 2028 is not a separatist movement, but rather one which is inclusive of, and therefore benefits for ALL LIVES, however, “spear-pointed” by black citizens.

    EXODUS II: LA 2028 presents the GOLDEN opportunity whereby the gifts, talents, and skill sets and the inherit privileges status of every non-black citizens, primarily young, white citizens seeking to heal the pain of the descendants of chattel slaves, upon whose “backs” this much beloved, nation of willing immigrants is built.

    It is an incriminating fact, that though being a mere 11% of the national population, black citizens are overwhelmingly the disproportion in numbers and complexities in homelessness culture, being over 60% of the population.

    Such is most poignant in Los Angeles, considered the National Capital of Homelessness, and that of homeless, US military veterans.
    See The Racial Demographics

    “The racial inequities we see in homelessness didn’t happen overnight. They are the result of past and present laws and policies that have made it harder for some to rent or own a home. People of color, especially Black and Native people, are dramatically more likely than their white counterparts to experience homelessness—even when controlling for poverty. This doesn’t mean no white people experience homelessness or that structural racism is the only factor driving homelessness. But it does mean that homelessness is not colorblind, and unless we are willing to acknowledge the facts, engage in courageous conversations about race and racism, and work together to create equitable solutions, we will never end homelessness.”
    ~ Jeff Olivet, Executive Director, White House Interagency Council On Homelessness)

    “What we do not say often enough or loudly enough is that racism and homelessness are inextricably linked. Yes, racism. It is time to speak truth.
    It is time to call it what it is.” ~ Jeff Olivet

    See more of Mr. Olivets’ views on “Systemic Racism”

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