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The Tale of Two Trump Cities: Narrative II, “Federal Land Usage”


    The Huge Tale of Two Trump Paternal Twin Cities
    For the Sake of Public Health and Safety, One for the Wealthy, One for the Poor-Homeless

    Narrative II: Federal Land Usage
    See Narratives I: “Prevailing Winds
    Narrative III: “Strategic Plan ‘Off the Streets onto Federal Lands”
    Narrative IV: “The Trump Military Homeless Relocation Policy”
    The Emancipation Proclamation

     As a central component of his 2024, Presidential campaign platform, former US President of the United States (POTUS), the Hon. Donald J. Trump for the construction of two cities requiring federal land use.

    If re-elected, the leader of the Republican Party he will execute his paternal twin cities plan of relocating, i.e., Exodus American citizens from the stresses of mainstream, primarily, urban-suburban society onto federal lands.

    The March 2,203 announced, “Freedom Cities” is for the volunteering wealthy; and that of July 27,2022 “huge tent cities” for homeless peoples, whose exit-Exodus and relocation will be Presidential executed by federal, regular troops, and/or federalized, state, national guard.

    Due to a lack of practical foresight, and key portions of the Justiceville documents (public and private) both objectives will further flaw our self-admitted, imperfect Union, leading to the eventual loss of our Union Republic.

    The Connections For The Existence of Prison, Internment, Concentration Camps
    While Mr. Trump did not, or has ever, nor ever will, use the words “concentration camps” to describe his “huge tent cities”, essentially, that is precisely what they are,

    1. The term “concentration” simply means, the act, process and focusing of concentrating a substance into a smaller, confined container, example: concentrated orange juice, chemicals, etc., packages, geo-physical areas, and kinds of like people, whether ethno-racially, politically, even religiously.Therefore, when it is said that “all homeless people” is absolute indication that these particular Americans, most especially black citizens are being identified for such treatment.
    2. The term “tent cities”, indicates that these places are not constructed of “brick and mortar” materials, but very fine, modern technology structures, but nonetheless, tents.Note: “Tents” indicates that initially, their locations are in temporary areas, thereby associating to the word, “camps”, and they being combined with the “concentration” of a kind of people, in case, homeless, hence, “concentration camps” of primarily, disproportionate, homeless chattel slave descendants.
    3. According to present White House policy, due to the growing, political pressure from frustrated, community-neighborhood residents, in response, at an alarming rate, state, county and municipalities throughout the country, understandably, but wrongly, are devising policies, and legislating “Jim Crowism” type laws, ordinances, statutes, against homeless Americans, thereby designating them as criminal-outlaws, simply for existing.

    Such American citizens, including military veterans, are therefore subject to imminent arrest, law enforcement entities are paralyzed to make arrests, not having the personnel, nor holding facilities-jails to contain the massive numbers of arrestees, for publicly cooking, eating, sleeping, eliminating bodily waste, loud noises of anti-social behaviorism, expressing or making love, having sex, i.e., exposure of genitals, etc.

    1. The Imprisonment of American African Citizens
      Therefore, being left alone as “free” roaming outlaws, triggers Part B, of the 13th Amendment, thereby covering the military action against these criminalized, outlawed black, chattel slave descendants, because Part A is unconstitutionally nullified.

    While the word “prison” or “internment” camps” was not used by Mr. Trump, it’s imperative that he come to understand though Part A. abolishes chattel slavery in the USA, Part B states such is true, “except in prison.”

    “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

    Note: “…the party shall have been duly convicted,” is also repeated in Section 2 and 3 of the 1866 Civil Rights Act.

    Homeless, US citizens are being criminalized by the rapid increase of local legislation against their acclimated, societal forced, “anti-social” behaviors and existence into the outlawed, public health and safety zones whereby they are automatically subject to arrest.

    In fact, according to the “one day” operation that incarcerates/interns these criminal outlaws, indicates that that Section C., “whereof the party shall have been duly convicted” as these captured Americans are denied this due process.

    Though well-intended, such an domestic, totalitarian military action of injustice by Mr. Trump violates US Constitutional, Civil Rights, as well as those of International Human Rights Laws.

    In Memory, or Mockery of Abraham Lincoln
    Instead in memory, more poignant, is that such military aggression will be a stark mockery of President Abraham Lincoln’s January 1,1863, Divinely ordered, Emancipation Proclamation, which according to Sections 2, B., and 5, is absolutely forbidden.

    The greatest, political and moral champion of the American Africans, Mr. Lincoln actually utilized the military to liberate, protect and help its Commander in Chief, enforce their/our self-determined, actual freedom, even to experience “equal justice/protection under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens”. (The Act, Sec.1)

    The Permanence of The Tent Cities
    Again, describing the “tent cities”, Mr. Trump did not use the word, “permanent” either, yet such is actually a truism, in that once being confined, incarcerated and/or interned in them, the inmates, including those whom have “rehabilitated”, will not be allowed to live, unless they can prove access to gainful employment, housing, family, and/or community support.

    Logic dictates that having “done their time” in the “tent cities”, i.e., prison-internment-concentration camps for violating local public health and safety codes, nonetheless, the inmates can’t leave them, because, wherever they go in America’s urban, suburban, as well as rural communities, they will automatically be designated as, society threatening, criminal outlaws.

    However, the military’s “one day” operation will unconstitutionally deny the “outlaws” time for “whereof the party shall have been duly convicted”, which is the second US Constitutional violation, the first being the “gaslighting” policies and actions of a failed society, and Republican Form of Government.

    1. The unique, authority and powers of the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation STOPS and FORBIDS Any Military Enforced Relocation
      This transforming Presidential Proclamation Executive Order issued by April 14,1865 assassinated, President Abraham Lincoln, is referenced in the beginning of the August 28,1963, one hundred years later, “I Have A Dream” prophetic speech of the late, also assassinated in April 4,1968, prophet Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Sentence B, prohibits any Presidential and/or military acts of harm-repression against American Africans, who are the Subject Beneficiaries of the Executive Order, stating,

    “and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

    Therefore, any “acts or acts to repress” the Subject Beneficiaries by the POTUS, and/or the military violates the Proclamation, thereby triggering a swift, punishing retributive response, being backed by its progeny, the 1866 Civil Rights Act, Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.

    Also, Sentence 2, A. “…all persons held as slaves…shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free”, meaning that the military enforced, INVOLUNTARY relocation and incarceration of the masses of homeless, American Africans into “huge tent cities”, forever robs them of such “freedom”, thereby contradicting “any efforts they might make for their actual freedom.”

    In conclusion, according the Justiceville EXODUS II, the “Freedom Cities” can and must be also inclusive of the homeless, lest they are not Free, but rather are indeed “fake”.

    How is it that of these two Trump Cities, one is entitled “Freedom” for the wealthy, and the other “huge tent cities” is a hypocritical dichotomy, of which the man who seeks to fill Lincoln’s “shoes” is at direct war with, and continuing to add to his, as well as prophet MLK assassinations.

    The Most High GOD, Judge of all the world, Central Figure of the Declaration of Independence, who created all human being equally, endowing them with “certain inalienable right…”, prevent this pending travesty from occurring, and bless America instead.

    (Also See: “HEAL AMERICA
    The Docu-Movie) on the healing and reconciliation of America 101


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