The Only Two Strategic National Plans In America To Resolve Homelessness
Money “Poor” Man | Money “Rich” Man
Which Do You Prefer? Choose One! Ted’s or His?
The Fate of Your Beloved Country Depends On IT
Homeless, VOLUNTARY, Humane (Non-Military), Exit, i.e., EXODUS From Urban Centers, Into Permanent, Upward, Productive Mobility, Government Chartered, Planned Communities On Federal Lands.
Homeless, Militarily FORCED Into Permanent Tent Cities, i.e., Internment Camps of “No Return”
The QUESTION and Narrative: 2024, Republican Presidential Candidates, including Democrat, and Otherwise
Why I Twice Voted For Donald Trump
The 2019 Video Messages To President Trump
- While being arrested of of federal land by the LA Police Department, as US federalized, black citizen, I called upon President Trump to intervene, of which he did not. The longer version
- Ted’s November 2019 Special, Prophetic Message To POTUS Trump
The Trump Military Option Challenge To America
- The POTUS Donald Trump 2024 Military Enforced Homeless Resolution
- Mr. Trumps First Homelessness Military Enforced Relocation (July 27,2022)
- Mr. Trumps Second Homelessness Military Enforced Relocation (The double down – April 18,2023
- The POTUS Donald Trump 2024 Military Enforced Homeless Resolution
- Preventing Pending Military Action Against Every US Citizen, via The Homeless
- The Alternative To Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless I
- The Alternative To Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless II
- The Evolution Of the Trump Homelessness Resolution Policies
The Tale of Two Trump Cities:
Narrative I, “The Prevailing Winds”
Narrative II, “Federal Land Usage”
Note: This is the information from which Mr. Trump forged his Ten “Freedom Cities” of 21st Century, high technological communities
Narrative II, “Strategic Plan ‘Off the Streets onto Federal Lands”
Narrative IV: “The Trump Policy On Military Enforced Homeless Relocation”
Also, see: “EGIIP” and Summary
“LA 2028, Potential Military Forced Relocation of Homeless, US Federal, Black Citizens (A)
(Also See: “HEAL AMERICA“ The Docu-Movie) on the Healing and Reconciliation of America 101