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Dilemma 1: The White House 2028 Olympics Homelessness Relocation

    In light of the coming of the 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics,
    the public, private and international stakeholders desire to not allow the world to experience what it saw in the season of the 1984 Olympics, which was the law enforced “sweeping” or “leaf blowing” US homeless citizens, most of whom were disproportionately American Africans, of chattel slavery descent.

    These stakeholders of that generation waited too late into the spring and summer of 1984 to take aggressive actions to eliminate the American and Olympic Committees disgrace of homelessness, which created a backlash obviously lasting to this present growing Olympiad season.

    Such a disastrous experience of 44 years ago, is a lesson matter that this Olympic generation of stakeholders seek at all costs to not repeat.

    If not soon abated, by 2028, the population of homeless will literally dwarf of that of the last generation in LA.

    The Alarming Black Citizens Demographic
    This is especially poignant in the mysteriously shameful light that though being a mere 8-9% of the general populations of LA City and County, in each respectively, black citizens are over 40% of homelessness, and with downtown’s Skid Row, over 90% are black males, followed by black females.

    In such reality, and being only 11-12% of the national population, black citizens are over 60% of the homeless – “Jesus”, poignantly, it is the policy of the Hon. US President Biden Administration, that “systemic racism” pervasively throughout all sectors of societies, as the cause of this unnecessary travesty.

    The Military Enforcement Relocation of Homeless – “Jesus” Peoples
    In light of too many tragic, historical, societal events, there is a huge justifiable, corpus dilecti – body of evidence for strong concern that certain Olympic stakeholders, public and private sectors, local, national and international, are preparing to accept the probability of military to enforce the relocate the masses of homeless, US black citizens – “Jesus” peoples before the year 2028?

    The Trump Proposal
    On July 26,2022, former, US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump proposed that if returned to the White House, he will put all homeless, US citizens into “huge tent cities on cheap land outside of towns in 1 day”, his words.

    Note: the “1-Day” that is spoken of, means military enforcement, as logically and practically, it is the only government entity with personnel, resources, properties-lands and transportation systems to relocate them, as well as the necessary “fire” – weapon power.

    In continuing, Mr. Trump offered free America a choice on the matter, morally questioning us all, as to what is more inhumane, meeting the daily amenities of the homeless – “Jesus” inmates in such “public health and safety” facilities;

    …or simply allowing-forcing them continual, dwelling to languishing deaths in our streets-sidewalks, etc., including being a public nuisance-menace, as well as local neighborhoods-communities complaining about them?

    Yes, it is a hard, moral decision that We the People together are now also being forced to make.  Which will it be?

    Such is a huge question for the stakeholders of the 2028 Olympics, including LA regional residents, as well as all US and world citizens, including, but most especially, all religious-spiritual influences, and every world governance bodies, such as the United Nations and International Human Rights Watch NGO bodies.

    However, given the present trend it appears that the stakeholder are circumstantially being forced towards electing to choose military enforcement to rapidly in “one day”, relocate the masses of US homeless – “Jesus” peoples citizens before the 2028 LA Olympics, or perhaps no later than 2026, allowing two years for this repugnant, foul, inhumane action to ease off the conscious of a shocked, witnessing world.

    Then, on with the Games in business as usual!

    As of January 1, 2023, which happens to be the 160th Anniversary of the de facto, National Emancipation Proclamation Day, We the People have less than three (3) years to prevent the disaster of loosing the Union of Our Republic.

    No doubt, plans are being privately discussed, which means we must actually take action now before they become “baked” into military enforced relocation option.

    The Three (3) 2028 Homelessness Dilemmas

    1. Federal Government Failure
      After 35 years of implementing a series of strategic plans to end homelessness, the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the Office of Domestic Policy (ODPC), based in the White House, has soundly failed, just now admitting,  the housing first-mainstreaming policy is not achievable after all.  Something Justiceville said 37 years ago, two years before USICH establishment.After 35 years, USICH has finally arrived to the conclusion of the original Justiceville encampment.
      Therefore, if in 35 years of its Congressional legislated commission, USICH, could not, in that failed, traditional sense resolve the matters of homelessness, for sure it can’t be done before 2028, a mere four (4) years, at best.
    2. The New Recession Homeless
      This present and growing, sudden, high inflationary “hurricane” economy caused recession, masses more of working classes, and poor people will be forced into homelessness.

    If USICH could not resolve the initial group of homelessness, for sure this new population exacerbating it, can’t be either.

    1. The Foreign Nationals and the Undermining of US Sovereignty
      Making matters far worse for domestic homeless – “Jesus” persons, is the sudden, massive, “super sizing” influx of five million plus (5,000,000 +), Foreign Nationals illegally and undocumented now in a state of homelessness within our country since January 20,2022, draining federal resources away from destitute-indigent Americans, particularly black citizens upon whose chattel enslaved, ancestors’ backs, this erroneously purported immigration nation under GOD is built.Dangerously, inevitably, and hence, imminently, the United Nations and other international governance bodies, courts, international NGO human watch groups will declare the 5 million plus Foreign National homeless as REFUGEES and the dwelling places, REFUGEE CAMPS, thereby undermining the sovereignty of the USA on its own soil.

    The only to prevent this national security threat from happening is the immediate implementation of Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics.  Also, see Section 4, of The Act concerning the refugee status of American African, black citizens since 1866 remaining such to this present time.

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