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America: Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah


    Hence, The American Society, from New York, Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Fransisco, and other urban centers throughout the USA, including Los Angeles/Hollywood, the National Homelessness Capital, wherein, there is both, comparatively, extreme poverty and the depravity of super wealth abundance.

    Should We the People in this Union of our Republic elect to drop our National Moral High Ground Standard to allow the utilization of the military to resolve a society caused social malady, would be the removal of America’s GOD given moral standard for societies, by which,  though trickling in, the flood of depravity will have its full course of destruction.

    Remember, its’ not the homeless that the fascist spirit is after, because that party is easily controlled, not being able to offer resistance the military, but rather, the average, working middle classes, with the upper wealthier finding no refuge either.

    This was main made clear when the Nazi of WWII era Germany destroyed even the wealthy Jews, et al.

    The homeless are simply the proverbial “canary in the coal mine”, as warning of the coming danger, based on how the average America will handle their military enforced relocation, etc., prevent it by morally, as well legally speaking and acting out, or in accepting it, they seal their fate with the doom of totalitarianism.

    Apparently, in these final days of the consummation of the Antiqus Ordu Seclurum – “Old Order of the Ages”, and surprise “dispensation of merciful last chance”, The Most High GOD Is offering the peoples of the world, especially, they of the United States, the greatest moral decision in world history.

    Essentially, by HIS Holy Spirit, HE is saying, “I set before you, life and death.  You choose which you will embrace by your action or lack thereof, towards the homeless-Jesus/Yeshua.

    While it appears, and certain spirit entities in the Heavenly Courts of The Judge of all world, HIS merciful graciousness is showing us the way to redeem ourselves, even from the pit of perdition, as We the People to embrace and wage with impunity our spiritual “two edged sword”, as HE has prophesied in Isaiah,

    “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19)

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