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Let. To UN Human Rights Commission

    (un int directory)

    The Hon. Mr. Federical Villagas,
    President of the 16th Council (2022)
    The United Nations Human Rights Council

    Complaint Procedure Unit
    Human Rights Council Branch
    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
    United Nations Office at Geneva
    CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

    Re: The Prevention of the US Military Forced Relocation of its Homeless Citizens, Particularly The American African, Federal Black Citizens

    Greetings Mr. Federical Villagas, Shalom!
    This is Ted Hayes, the leading and foremost, Civil Rights/homelessness resolution activists in the United States, and a world citizen Internationalist; also the lead coordinator of the Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team, based in Los Angeles, California, considered the America’s Homelessness Capital and comparatively that of the world.

    On behalf of the descendants of the chattel enslaved American Africans, upon whose backs, this erroneously purported, immigrant “nation under GOD” is built, being officially identified, designated, and authorized in the conjoined authorities of the US Presidential Executive Ordered Emancipation Proclamation and Constitution, via its’ 14th Amendment codified, 1866 Civil Rights Act, authorizes and empowers its’ awakened, literate Subject Beneficiaries, to decide their own fate and destiny by the direct powers of the President of the United States (POTUS).

    This matter is particularly poignant when considering the looming and soon coming, 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, and the potential dispatching military enforced, i.e., Presidentially federalized, State National Guards, relocation of homeless, i.e., “Jesus” people into indefinite, interment, concentration-like camps.

    Being of a disproportionate in numbers and complexities, such an act of human rights, as well as US Civil Rights laws violations, would essentially erase all the post 1865 end of chattel slavery to present advancements and sacrifices.

    The Justiceville US White House Negotiating A-Team is summoning the participation of the United Nations, International Human Rights Council and Commission (UNIHRC) to quickly help us encourage the POTUS to issue the Executive Order, accompanied as bill for Congressional legislation, that absolutely forbids any dispatchment military enforcement, i.e., Presidential, federalization of State National Guards to forcefully relocate, and incarcerate indefinitely, American homeless, primarily black, i.e., “Jesus” citizens into “public health and safety”, interment, concentration camp-like, tent city facilities on “cheap land”, outside of urban centers.

    To United Nations: You Must Not Crush American African, US, Federal Black Citizens
    No doubt, that imminently, the IHRC will decree and declare these millions of Foreign National homeless as ‘REFUGEES” and their growing, makeshift encampment, shelters, tents, etc., including the large tent cities as in New York or passenger ships, hotels, motels, etc., “REFUGEE CAMPS”, placing them under the auspices and protectorate of the United Nations, including other international human watch bodies, thereby stripping the US of its sovereignty concerning these peoples.

    Already suffering for over 400 + years of unrequited injustices of America, as soon to be declared refugees, are already draining millions of US taxpayers’ dollars, time and other such resources, this UN action will utterly devasted black citizens in obliteration, even genocide.

    The Abject Failure of Society Warrants Black Citizens Self-Determination
    As American Africans, federal, black citizens, this is of great concern to us as peoples upon whose chattel enslaved backs, this erroneously purported, immigrant “nation under GOD” is built, as being the overwhelming, disproportionate in numbers and complexities, population of America’s homeless.

    After repeated failures of the federal government to humanely resolve this particular matter of homelessness as it pertains to black citizens, it behooves its employees, including elected and appointed, to finally relinquish to them/us the authorities and powers do so ourselves.

    Therefore, on behalf of America’s only, federalized citizens, whom are the Subject Beneficiaries of the January 1, 1863, Presidential Executive Ordered, Emancipation Proclamation, and the 1868 Civil Rights/14th Amendment, “super” citizenship status, the Justiceville US White House Negotiating A-Team is expecting you direct participation with us in this matter.

    We request that your Council and Commission, morally stand with us American African black citizens to encourage our government employees to simply comply with what American legislators, especially President Abraham Lincoln has written into law about us and our protections., and especially from foreign invasion, as it negatively affects them/us most.

    Please respond to us for more detailed information as 424-248-4219 or Email at

    Also, please see the attached narraives

    Thanks kindly for your immediate action with us,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics

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