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Let. Joe Biden: Our Modern-Day Moral and Political Champion

    The Hon. Joe R. Biden
    President of the US
    Oval Office, White House
    16000 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Washington, DC
    Monday, February 13,2023

    Re: Our Modern-Day Moral and Political Champion

    Greetings Sir, Shalom
    “and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.” (Emancipation Proclamation, January 1,1863)

    In order for myself, and team to carry out our designated mission in “The Battle For the Soul of America”, which has its foundation in the Emancipation Proclamation, we have three pressing matters in need of your immediate attention, they are:

    1. Forbid Any and All Miliary Enforced Relocation of HomelessAccording to “…including the military and naval authority…will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them…”, meaning that a military enforced relocation of homeless persons, particularly they who are American Africans, forced into homelessness by “systemic racism”, is action that “repress” them/us.

      Also, any neglect, intended or benign to the expectations the Subject Beneficiaries, is in direct insurrection, and violation of Sentence 2, B, thereby triggering the Commander In Chief to order the military to stand down from such aggression against American citizens.
    2. With the high moral ground “mantel” of President Abraham Lincoln, as Commander In Chief of the Armed Forces, we expect of you to execute the following”A. Issue the Executive Order that forbids any military, whether federal and/or federalized state national guard to enforce the relocation of homeless, America citizens indefinitely into internment-concentration camps

      B. Send the Order as a bill to Congress for the legislate permanence.

      C. Implement EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics according to Sentence 2, B. whereby the Executive Government, being a “Republican Form of…”, empowers EXODUS II administers with the authorities and influences of the Presidential Seal.In fact, Section 4, of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, whereby in order for the Subject Beneficiaries are specially appointed by the POTUS “…in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

    • Assume your Lincoln-like responsibilities as President which orders the Executive Government to comply with the instructions of the Emancipation Proclamation concerning the protection and empowerment of its Subject Beneficiaries, Sentence 2, B. “…in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

    Note: “any efforts” means, stop the military enforcement, and subsequently execute the implementation of EXODUS II
    Note: “they” and “their”, meaning the Subject Beneficiaries
    Note:  for our “their actual freedom”, we present EXODUS II

    Apparently, whether the Executive Government nor the military agrees or dis with our “any effort”,

    Our Plea
    Accordingly, once again, combined in the Emancipation Proclamation, and the Reconciliation
    spirit of the 2008 Congressional Resolution HR #194 (Simple) Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow, they/we expect the Oval Office Presidency to heed and act upon “any efforts for their/our actual freedom”…from any military enforcement relocation into concentration, chattel slave plantation-like “tent cities” camps, i.e., of which you, as Vice President warned us about on August 14,2011.

    “They gonna have ya’ll back in chains”, the “they” are being, the Republican Party.

    Your Prediction
    Apparently, you correctly “called it, spot on”- predicted this day and time, especially in light of former Republican President Trump’s July 27,2022 announced, military forced relocation plan, is now a central “plank” in his 2024 Presidential campaign platform, of course, which a matter the Party you lead must challenge.

    Therefore, you are being offered an opportunity to get out front on this matter.

    The Lincoln Mantel and Cause
    As the present Commander In Chief, take the moral, high ground “mantel” of Abraham Lincoln, and champion our rescue from the Trump, or any other military enforcement plans against homeless citizens, an action that dooms our Union, losing our Republic.

    Since Lincoln, it’s been our way to have a special relationship with the federal government as well as the military, and especially the welcoming of any Presidents who would champion our plight, white gentlemen such as Grant, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, et al…Biden?!?

    Expectation of the Federal Citizens
    The 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of the Constitution federalizes American Africans as citizens under the direct jurisdiction, hence, protectorate of the President, therefore, it is lawful, morally correct and expected to call upon you in such a cognizant and mutually respectful way.

    Historically, beginning with Lincoln, American Africans have embraced the President as their/our natural champion against white supremacist, racist, repression, in the precedence of Lincoln, who led the Armed Forces against the insurrection to end chattel slavery.

    Hence, as federal “super” citizenship status citizens, we see you as our “superman”, born out of the highest moral cause of Our Republic, indeed our big brother.  On earth, if not the President of the United States, who then, do we turn to for rescue.

    In closing, we are reminded of your 2011 prediction, questioning, and defining the “blackness” of black citizens (Forgiven. Not forgotten) based on our voting relationship, of which we indeed voted, and subsequently put you in the White House.

    Therefore, lawfully and primarily morally, you are expected to be federal “superman super hero” who rescues Americans Africans from the impending dangers threatening their/our existence, such growing, unsolvable homelessness, of which we dominate, the 5,000,000 plus and increasing influx of Foreign Nationals now homeless in our country.

    Clearly, we are being targeted for total devastation.  So please rescue us!

    Thanks kindly for your immediate action on this matter, as our political and moral champion.

    The mercies of The Most High be upon us all.

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II


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