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Jesus/Yeshua and The Homeless


    By the merciful grace of The Most High, El Shaddai GOD, it’s my intent to successfully inspire you and the world on how The LORD-HaShem, is mysteriously utilizing homeless persons as a light of salvation for HIS children, whom HE has abundantly blessed with earthly resources, to make the Kingdom Mitzvah on the earth.

    Here, you will learn about the sacred “bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, breath of my breath” connection that exist with the Jew, Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha Maschiach – Messiah, and the homeless, as He Himself voluntarily became, even admonishing others to follow Him into that existence of earths destitute human beings.

    This is particularly addressed to they of the advanced, Judaic/Christian oriented, western (Greco-Latin), technological worlds-civilizations, especially that of the United States of America, Union Republic, as portrayed in song and lore, “GOD Bless America”.

    In this instance tangible/palpable, manifested Mitzvah of Judgement and Justice concerning the world’s billions of poor, unprotected, slum, shantytown dwellers, the refugee encamped, and street oriented homeless populations, beginning in Los Angeles, the National Capital of homelessness, is the “spot-on”, holy practice, or sacred “offering” to HIM.

    This heart-felt deed of Love by the blessed children, is their manifested evidence to HIM that they indeed understand HIS will on earth towards fellow human beings, which in turn, .

    The Hebrew Holy Scriptures (The Tenakh) makes clear that such earnest, heart contrite, humble act of Kingdom of GOD Mitzvah to the homeless, while eternal is granted, it is also the earthly salvation from the “concoctions” of spiritual, governmental, economical correction; civic social decay and unrest, lawlessness, child rebellion, extravagance in the face of homelessness, et al, to eventual societal debauchery such as, “child sacrifice” – i.e., pedophilia and slavery. (Ezekiel 16:48-50)

    With great interest, according the Hebrew Holy Scriptures, including The Bible, speaks of GOD’s highly mysterious and stern concern about civilizations treatment of “the outcasts of Israel”, meaning today, of the over 7,000,000 plus of HIS children that have been, are being forced into the hopelessness of economic, as well as literal slavery, by the blessed peoples.

    The Two In One
    It appears that there are two kinds of human beings whom attain the mercies and grace of salvation, both equally significant.

    One being, the acts of the blessed children’s rescuing the homeless, “…the least one of these, of My brethren,”, they act according to His commands to follow Him, in the will of ABBA-Father Who sent for such work; and the other being by brethren association with Jesus/Yeshua, Son of The Most High.

    Based the attached Hebrew Holy Scriptures (The Bible), as America’s foremost Civil Rights, homelessness resolution activist, world citizen Internationalist, and given my unique understanding of homelessness, I will now, correctly identify, and associate the so called “homeless” persons, as the Real Jesus’ Peoples.  (See Mathew 25:31-46)

    Apparently, the Kingdom is designated for earthly, poor, subjugated and oppressed peoples.

    “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?” (James 2:12 King James Version)

    “Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him.” (Mathew 21:32. 33)

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