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The 6 Initial, Ancient, Visitations of the Holy Spirit


    I.  First, GOD, our Heavenly ABBA-Father, sent The Holy Spirit as a Dove descended upon Jesus/Yeshua after being baptized by His cousin, famously known as John “The Baptist”, Who led Him into the wilderness for 40 fasting days,being tempted of “the devil”, to prepare Him as The Lamb of GOD.

    Note: John was Divinely sent for the baptizing of repented persons who believed the “Elijah” messaging of, “Repent, bring forth fruit of repentance, for the Kingdom of GOD is at hand.  Prepare the way of The Ha Meshiach as The Lamb of GOD Who takes away the sins of the world.”

    II.  Second, Immediately after His resurrection, He imparted the initial authority of The Holy Spirit into the disciples:

    III.  Third, The First, general outpouring of The Holy Spirit on Pentecost.  (See Act 1) of The Holy Spirit

    IV.  Fourth, The Second, general, “latter day” outpouring of GOD’s Spirit, 1906, Azuza Street, Los Angeles, California via Rev. William Seymour (a Hametic, American African, US, federal, black citizen), which launched the Pentecostal movement(s) around the earth, spanning most Christian sects, being the fastest spiritual movement, claiming over a growing, 800,000,000 plus believers, second in numbers to the Roman Catholic Church.

    V.  Fifth, The 1970 Jesus People, being First of this, the surprise, “Mercy and Truth” dispensations’ “latter day” moving upon face of Southern California youths, expanding nationally and globally.

    VI.  Sixth, The present, Second of this dispensation of “Mercy and Truth”, Jesus/Yeshua People movement comprising many manifestations, including that which is growing among USA, world Jewry and especially of Eretz Israel, where until recently, circa three quarters of Israeli’s were not aware the He is Jew, in fact, King of the Jews.


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