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Preventing Pending Military Action Against Every US Citizen, via The Homeless


    “Thinking About The Future of American African, Black Citizens, Particularly Homeless,
    and Fate of Our Union Republic”

    “The wise person foresees evil, danger, destruction in the way, and takes precautionary measures to avoid it. 
    Whereas, those whom are foolish also foresees, but ignores and rushes headlong into it.”
    (Hebrew Holy Scriptures – Proverbs 22:3 – paraphrased)

    THE WARNING Video:
    EXODUS II: LA 2028 Potential Military Forced Relocation of Homeless, US Black Citizens (A)

    “Stop It NOW”
    To Participate: 424-248-4219 or
    To get understanding and instructions, See EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics
    Step I:
    Presidential, Executive Order forbidding the utilization of the military, enforced relocation of homeless option;

    Step II:
    President sends Order to Capital Hill for for the Congressional Legislation of such.

    Apparently, it has always been the policy objective of federal government to eventually dispatch, via the White House, a military enforced relocation of homeless, American, US citizens out of the overpopulated, high cost of living society, into the the outlawed zones of public health and safety, thereby criminalizing them as outlaws of such, subject to imminent arrest.

    The Irony of Donald Trump and Joe Biden On The Military Enforce Homeless Relocation Option
    On August 14,2011, then Vice President of the USA, under the Hon. President, Barack H. Obama Administration, the Hon. Joe R. Biden, of the Democratic Party warned American African US citizens, that the Republicans will have them/us all back in chains of chattel slavery plantation like facilities, of which African Americans laughed it off as just another one of those “O, there goes that ole uncle Joe again with another joke.”

    The Power of the “Biden Blacks”
    However, 12 years later, “No Joke”, in October 2020, then candidate Mr. Biden says another, seemingly absurd thing to black citizens, saying that voting for him to be US President, makes American African, black citizens, “black.

    Yet, in some sort of to date, un-explainable loyal obedience to the Party of chattel slavery, we American Africans became “Biden Blacks”, and literally put him in the White House, thereby significantly altering, for good or bad, the course of this nation, and subsequently, that of the world.  We black people did that!

    Ironically, we “Biden blacks”, i.e., American African, US federal citizen have always been, and forever remain the foundational center of American life, as long as our Republican Form of Government “under GOD, shall not perish from the earth”.

    As such, we have caused  catastrophic “earthquake”, nation-altering changes, domestic and foreign, as the most powerful civilization on earth, and comparatively, in all of world history, is built upon the backs of their chattel enslaved ancestors, as in electing Biden POTUS.

    As American Africans under the then Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, President Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War’s, “Black or Colored Troops”, we are now “Biden Blacks”.

    The “Great Prediction”
    Then on July 27,2022, even as Mr. Biden predicted, a Republican, i.e., former, President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump proposed that he would put all homeless persons into huge tent cities on cheap land outside of town in one day, alluding to a massive, nationwide, simultaneous, and rapid mobilized, military enforced relocation operation.

    This Trump proposal is now a major “plank” or promise in his 2024 Presidential campaign platform.

    Since that time, until our recent December 2,2022 zoom meeting with the White House, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), on December 2,2022, we have not received the expected the proper, Presidential response from Mr. Biden to set measures to stop the Trump, or any other such militaristic Plans.

    Such silence indicates that perhaps, Mr. Trump and Mr. Biden, privately agree on the matter; and so, all the more imperative or impetus or We the People to take our respective roles in Saving the Union, and Keeping Our Republic.

    Thanking The Most High GOD, 1985, I correctly predicted that should the Justiceville, Strategic National Homeless Plan, now dubbed, “EXODUS II”: 2028  LA Olympics, preceded by the 2026 LA World Cup Soccer be rejected, the government will wait until homelessness becomes so pervasive, and threatening to public health and safety, that their military forced relocation, will be welcomed by an understandable, frustrated local community and neighborhood residents.

    Of course, this similar to what occurred that led to the WWII era of  German style military tyranny, known as Nazism…

    Also, during the same period, the US federal government, the Presidency of the Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, as Commander In Chief, militarily enforced relocated and held American Japanese citizens within internment camps as for sake of national security.

    Daily, the prospects of military enforced relocation option is becoming more evident of its pending, due to the following:

    1. The ever increasing numbers of Americans being pushed out of society by societal pressures into the outlawed zones of public health and safety, thereby rendering them into criminal outlaws, subject to imminent arrest.

    2. The daily growing by the thousands, Foreign Nationals now homeless within our country’s Republic, already drawing resources from those who are domestic.

    3. The organically growing, nationwide movement of rapidly increased amount of anti-homeless persons legislation by local, that is, state, county and municipalities, even though law enforcement arrests, incarcerations, and court are not expeditious lacking resources such as personal, equipment, lands, buildings, and funds, they are being primed for the pending military enforced operations.

    This targeting legislation, similar to that of Jim Crowism against American African, US black citizens, is due to legislators being pressured by understandably, frustrated, local community-neighborhood residents demanding of the government representatives

    4. The failure of homelessness social services NGO’s which in the last 38 years has wasted billions of tax payers dollars, which is dubbed, the homelessness industrial complex (HIC), akin to that of the prison industrial complex (PIC).

    5. The growing impetus for such military action is due to the rapidly approaching 2028 LA Olympics, preceded by the 2026 World Cup Soccer, wherein the masses of homeless persons must be forced relocated to accommodate these two back-t0-back, world sports events.

    Note: At least during the season of the 1984 LA Olympics, government forced, “leaf blew” away homeless persons out of sigh of a peering international world, but only to return post the event.

    This time, however, the “leaf blowing” away will be permanent with not return for the homeless, as they will be indefinitely incarcerated in this “public health and safety” facilities.

    Also See: “HEAL AMERICA The Docu-Movie) on healing and reconciliation of America 101


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