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EXODUS II: LA 2028 Potential Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless Black Citizens


    EXODUS II: LA 2028 Potential Military Enforced Relocation of Homeless Black Citizens

    This is the “Paul Revere Project” (PRP) saying to sleepy, slumbering, distracted, entertained American people, “Awake, Awake! The Military Is Coming”

    The USA must have the growing homeless population, whom disproportionately are American African, US federal, black citizens gone, “leaf blown” away for LA and every major, inner city throughout our imperfect, Union Republic, before the world comes to Los Angeles, via the 2028 Summer Olympics, preceded by the 2026 World Cup Soccer.

    “Out of sight, out of mind” of the visible manifestation of America’s failed, Republican Form of Government, capitalist, free-market society, i.e., the much vaunted, American Dream is a actually a selfish collection of fake, mythological, unrealistic ideals of freedom, etc.,

    In its 2022 White House, the Hon. President Joe R. Biden’s “new”, Strategy National Plan, the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), says that it will have “25% of the homeless housed by 2025”.

    Justiceville has asked, “WHAT ABOUT THE RAPIDLY GROWING 75%, domestic homeless, and the now 5,000,000 plus Foreign Nationals, now entrapped in homelessness, and scattered throughout our country?”  The White House is yet to answer!

    This clarion call, is the “Project Paul Revere” wherein Justiceville is raising the alarm, that the MILITARY Is coming SOON to a neighborhood near you to round up and relocate US homeless citizens into “Huge tent cities, outside of urban centers on cheap land” indefinitely, in another word, concentration camps.

    Frankly, while the general homeless will comply without resistance to military relocation, this is the “cooking the frog” strategic test to prepare everyone else for acceptance as well.

    Presently, along with the government of California, the City of New York, which is providing shelter to Foreign Nationals, by illegal entry, now homeless scattered throughout America, while simultaneously police enforcing domestic homeless, American US into mental institutions, indefinitely. Hmmmmm!

    You know, check your WWII era history, and discover how what California is doing is very similar to what occurred to the German peoples who fell into deathly grip of Nazism of the National German Workers Party…

    …which before it could subjugate all Germans, particularly Ashkenazi Jews, followed by Jehovah Witnesses, Gypsies, Slavs, homosexuals, even loyal, German citizens who initially supported the taking away off the streets, the “mentally ill”, followed by the homeless, bums, et al.

    As part of this stealth effort to send the military to relocate domestic homeless persons, the new, LA Mayor who privately agrees with the July 26,2022 Military Forced Relocation of the homeless proposal of former, US President, Donald J. Trump, which is now a center piece of his 2024 Presidential Campaign platform…

    …as part of the Hon. Karen Bass’s plan, she is police enforcing homeless encampment dwellers into hotel and motels, which essentially are very low level indoor, ghettos, internment-concentration camps intended to fail.

    This intended failure is designed to cause neighborhood/community residents to become even frustrated and then, not protest, but actually gladly and unsuspecting welcome what occurred in WWII era Germany.

    Just saying folks.  Talk it up!  This is the “Paul Revere Project” (PRP)


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