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Federal Black Citizens Super Citizenship Status

    The Original, Birthright, “Super” Citizenship Status of American Africans

    The 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act is the Original, Birthright, Federal, “Super” Citizenship Status of US Black Citizens, the descendants of chattel slaves, and associated Jim Crow suppressed, and the survivors thereof.

    This specialized citizenship status is considered “super”, because of its exclusively great, moral weight in America before the sight of El Shaddai (The Most High GOD Who rules in the government of humanity and gives it to whomever HE wills, even the worse of them),as well as the subsequent, combined, legal authority of both Presidential Executive Order and the US Constitution via the 1868, 14th Amendment, the protégé’ of the 1866 Civil Rights Act

    The Act of super citizenship was/is not granted based of race, i.e., skin color and other physical features and characteristics; ethnicity; religious; minority-majority status, but rather, due inherited inheritance of American Africans ancestors were brought to America against their wills shackled in chains of the triangular African-Islamic, European, American Transatlantic Slavery Trade by peoples who came willing to this British/USA land.

    According to the correct sentiments of the 2008 Official, Congressional Apology Resolution HR #194 (Simple) For Slavery and Jim Crowism, and other historical, social-scientific information, such mistreatment of any identity of human beings results in the complex system of continued, generational collective, and evolving to utter destruction abuse.  See “The White Man Has Apologized”

    This powerful, experience based, ethno-racial-minority-majority transcending, super authority was/is designed for the Subject Beneficiaries to access and implement in the day of their/our literacy awakening.

    While being the recipients of super, federal status, in no way makes black citizens, genetically, racially, etc., superior to their fellow whites-Caucasians along with all other such Americans of willing immigration, but rather, as an “enhancer” ensures, Presidential, and if necessary, military enforcement that they/we might experience “equal justice-protections under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” (The Act, Section 1)

    Essentially, being a “catch up” to white citizens, enhancement “tool”, In ten sections, The Act plainly orders one mandate to the Department of Justice (Sec. 3) and one to the Supreme Court (Sec. 10) each; two to the military (Sec. 5, 8); however, three to the POTUS (4, 8, 9), the latter dispatching the Armed Forces, if necessary, being based on the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence 2, B.

    Also view and view “The Battering Ram Citizenship”

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