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    The Hon. Joe R. Biden
    President of the United States of America
    White House
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
    Washington, DC

    Re:  Let. A-2, Immediate Audience With POTUS x

    Greetings Mr. Biden, Shalom!
    As you know, beginning with Abraham Lincoln, through to US Presidents, Grant, Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy, historically, when in dire distress of harm, being in need of “super powered” federal government for help, we, American African, black citizens have always looked to the President of the United States (POTUS).

    Once again, particularly the matter of homelessness culture, and all the ominous inhumane considerations portending around the rapidly arriving, 2028 LA Olympics, it is now imperative for you to immediately heed the plea.

    We approach you by the authorities contained in the Presidential Executive Ordered, January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, combined with the Legislative 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act granted to the only Americans upon whose ancestors’ chattel enslaved backs, this purported “immigration nation” under GOD is built.

    Post a presumed, initial audience, and Presidential compliance is at work according the EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics stratagem, at we will have unprecedented, co-access to the Executive and Legislative authorities, including all nineteen, federal government departments of the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) that ordains the Divine Right of American African, black citizens to have sole jurisdiction over their own, self-determined fate and destiny of the American Dream, “in any effort that they may make for their actual freedom” (Emancipation Proclamation Sentence 2, B)

    “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”

    Accordingly, with due respect, sir, whether, you, the POTUS, or/and the Secretary of Defense agrees with those “any efforts” or not, each being ordered not to obstruct them, rather instead, “recognize and maintain the freedom such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them…” supporting the “tools” achieve specifically “deeded” to them/us.

    The results of this co-access existence with the federal government are as follows:

    1. On the July 14th OPENING DAY of the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics, it shall be announced that homelessness culture in the USA has been humanely resolved, beginning with LA, its former, National Capital.


    1. Due to our mutual, homelessness resolution activities, we together implemented strategically healing measures that methodically and surprisingly rapid, replaced major portions of “systemic racism” in America, with that of “systemic rectification and reconciliation”.
    2. America would be five years into a fast, forward moving character change ever garnering an unprecedented level of global respect, which made international negotiations much easier as a result of its handling the American African, black citizen dominating homelessness culture.
    3. The high, unnecessary levels of stressful division, discord in both private and public sectors of society, especially in the socio-economic, political, as well as the religious, would have been significantly lowered; by which the patriotic, We the People, US citizens will be lead those of the world into a bright era of civil, productive, visionary hope of future generations.

    Mandated Presidential Audience
    Due to the volume of information, strategic plans to achieve our objective, it is necessary that arrangements are made whereby my White House Negotiating A-Team will come to Washington, DC, to begin our initial work together on this matter.

    We expect your immediate, and full “Abraham Lincoln” – like attention to audience with us to learn our “any efforts”, which is, EXODUS II: LA2028 Olympics, which is the Justiceville, Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan that humanely resolves homelessness, and its “mainstream” causes, i.e., “systemic racism”.

    Our expectations is based on one of the three mandates ordered of the POTUS concerning the “such persons” and/or “any of them” to direct him as a living “tool” how to execute our “any effort”, and that without question.

    For black citizens to do their/our patriotic due diligence in this matter about our lives and destiny, according to The Act, Section 8, the POTUS is ordered to audience with, learn, heed, and comply with the admonitions of its Subject Beneficiaries, he and the military being their protectorate from all harms stating,

    “…whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act within any judicial district, it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;”

    Sir, by audience with us black citizens, you will then “have reason to believe” enough to take appropriate action that rectifies “past offenses”, as well as prevent any “likely to be committed” against their Section 1, their/our citizenship, “as is enjoyed by white citizens.”

    Note: Section 8 is but one of three (3) compliances ordered of the POTUS concerning the protection and support of black citizens, the other two being Sections 4 and 9, with US Armed Forces military, twice Sec. 5, 9; the federal judicial, under the Executive Branch, Sec. 3, and the US Supreme Court, once each.

    Mr. President, our concerns to you is especially poignant in view of the soon arrival of the 2028 Olympics, which portends the looming, inhumane fiasco of 1984 repeat but far worse, and what it portends, particularly as it relates to black homeless – “Jesus” persons, of which is causing us to expect your immediate compliance.

    Please see the attached narrative

    The USICH Offices knows how reach for making arrangements for our mutual audience.

    The Most High blesses us as we work together in this matter of homeless – “Jesus” persons dwelling in our streets at the very bottoms of our Union Republic society,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics






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