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POTUS Narrative A-1: The Primary President Authority

    The Primary Presidential Authority
    The January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation and the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, are the interlocked, Executive Order of the President of the United States (POTUS, and Congressional Law by which the Subject Beneficiaries thereof, i.e., American African, US black citizens of the only and exclusive, federal, “super” citizenship status authority to “make for their actual freedom.”

    Replacing Systemic Racism With Systemic Rectification
    As a rectifying remedy to “systemic racism” caused by 245 years, generations-destroying, institutionalized, American chattel slavery industry, “supersized” in complexities by the 99 years of Jim Crowism (1865-1964) by an inheritance based on the unique, historical heritage of which the federal government deems it just for black citizens now exercise their nation-saving, Republic Keeping, “super” citizenship status.

    The Execution and Exercise of US Black Citizens Presidential Authority
    Driven by the “perfect storm” impetus of the looming, 2028 LA Olympics and homelessness matter(s), demands the immediate, “right here, right now” implementation of the specialized, Presidential authority and powers latent in the inherited heritage of black citizens.

    Their/our knowledge, understanding and demonstrative skill in “lived” experienced homelessness, a cognizant, body politic of black citizens must rightly expect from the POTUS, his absolute, full compliance in the manner, fashion, and passion of Abraham Lincoln.

    The 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act
    According to Section 8 of The Act, as the first exercising step of this executive authority, POTUS must immediately audiences with the designated Justiceville-White House Negotiating A-Team to hear, learn of, and take the appropriate, black citizen directed actions by which they/we resolve their/our dire concerns of 2028, and beyond.

    “…whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act…it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more-speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;”

    This laws mandates that the POTUS heed the council of its Subject Beneficiaries concerning their/our destiny as it’s based on the still contemporary, January 1,1863, Presidential Executive Order, Emancipation Proclamation, Sentence 2, B dictating,

    “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

    The Black Homeless Demographics Warrant POTUS Power
    This is especially poignant in the light of being 8-9% of the general population of LA City and County, in each respectively, black citizens are over 40% of their homeless-“Jesus”; and downtown’s Skid Row, over 90% are black males, followed by black fem0ales.

    Such local reality combined with being 11-12% of the national population, black citizens are over 60% of the homeless-“Jesus”, it’s also poignant that the policy of the Hon. US President Biden White House correctly states these statistics are caused by America’s “systemic racism”.

    Presently, the Olympic stakeholders privately and quietly in discussions as how best to relocate these masses of homeless -“Jesus” black citizens before 2028?

    For Sake of the Union Republic:  Black Citizens Must Determine Their Own Destiny
    The manifested, generations of the federal government’s inability to humanely resolve these two intertwined matters of black citizens, being White House admitted “systemic racism”, and its subsequent, disproportionate in numbers and complexities of black homeless – “Jesus” people, as never in US history, justifies the Constitutional mandates that they/we be granted the utilization of the Presidential Seal of Authority (PSA).

    Essentially, like a “perfect storm”, the failure of the federal government has unprecedentedly triggered and made black citizens cognizant of their/our specialized, “super” citizenship, Presidential authority and power that resolves their/our 2028 concerns.

    Black “Super” Citizenship Frees Everyone
    Being in the interest of everyone concerned, the execution and exercise of black citizens’ Presidential authority benefits them into freedom as well, as stated by prophet MLK saying,

    “For many of our white brothers…have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny.  And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.”

    The immediate President driven measures of the Justiceville EXODUS II: LA Olympics Strategic National Plan, devised by an American African, US black citizen, will successfully address the growing population of homeless that is presently, and will literally dwarf of that of the last 1984 LA Olympics generation…thereby preventing a national and international, calamity to human dignity.

    Black Citizens Resolves Stakeholders Concerns
    In the interest of public, private, national, and international stakeholders desire to not repeat the embarrassing season of the 1984 Olympics, in which the world witnessed the law enforced removal, “sweeping” or “leaf blowing” US homeless -“Jesus” citizens out of sight, most of whom were black citizens of this erroneously purported, “immigrant nation” under GOD.

    These 1984 generation of stakeholders waited too late into the spring and summer of that year to take aggressive actions to eliminate the homeless-“Jesus” peoples, thereby caused a legendary disgrace to the LA, USA, and International Olympic Committees, lasting to this present, and growing 2028 Olympiad season.

    Such a disastrous experience of 44 years ago is a lesson matter that this 2028 Olympics generation of stakeholders seek at all costs, to not repeat.

    The Presidential Mission
    As stated in the EXODUS II: Mission Statement, by such Presidential authority and influence, black citizens by the full support of LA, the USA, the Olympic Committees, and stakeholders, et al, before the July 14th OPENING DAY of the Los Angeles Olympics, will have humanely (non-military enforced), resolved homelessness culture in America, beginning with LA, its former National Capital and that of US military Veterans.

    After generations of repeated failures in these matters, it behooves, and is imperative that the federal government grant the rightly expected Presidential authority to black citizens, whose ancestor’s suffering earned them the privilege to accordingly save them


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