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White House Dilemma 2: Federal Black Citizens Are Our Last Hope

    Therefore, in light of all these conjoined matters, there is a sharpening up into the “perfect storm” whereby the military enforcement relocation option before the 2028 LA Olympics is becoming more attractive and inevitable.

    The only sane, humane option left for We the People is the Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympic model.

    The Imperative For The Black Citizens Right To Save Themselves From This Disaster

    With the looming disaster of the rapidly approaching 2028 LA Summer Olympics, particularly as it will most severely negative, even towards genocide, American African, US black citizens of federal, “super” citizenship status, upon whose chattel enslaved ancestors’ back this erroneous, “nation of immigrants” is built.

    The White House via the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the auspices of the Office of Domestic Policy (ODPC) correct policy is that America’s 440 plus years of “systemic racism” has denied, prevented, undermined, and making it difficult for black citizens advanced, has disproportionately in numbers and complexities forced them/us into homelessness, where such practice is continued.

    Therefore, in light of what is presented in “The Great White House 2028 Olympics Homelessness Relocation Dilemma” document, surely the White House will wholeheartedly agree with the justified quest of Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics, and grant black citizens their/our Emancipation Proclamation (EP) right for self-determination.

    This is especially poignant in the obvious failure of the federal government to rectify both systemic racism against black citizens, as well as homelessness of which they/we are the predominant factor.

    By empowering black citizens with their Constitutional, i.e., EP and The 1866-68 Civil Rights Act, they/we can successful address homeless via EXODUS II which leads to the longed for, allusive, “Black Manifesto” agenda.

    To otherwise, the White House, i.e., the POTUS, and all of America will commit what is admitted in the 2008 Congressional Apology Resolution, HR #194 as the continuation of “slavery in America resembling no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;”.

    Should we black citizens be denied our right to self-determination would simply be the continuing legacy of chattel slavery, i.e., living human property.




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