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Let. #1 To Volker Turk: Prevent US Military Forced Relocation of Black Citizens

    Sat, Oct 15 at 11:52 AMTo: Volker Turk Bcc:Fredrick Shaw,IntegrityEye Shema Johnson,Pat Moore

    The Hon. Volker Türk
    High Commissioner
    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
    Palais Wilson
    52 rue des Pâquis
    CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland

    Re: The Prevention of the US Military Forced Relocation of its Homeless Citizens, Particularly The American African, Federal Black Citizens

    Narrative (A)

    Greetings Commissioner Volker Turk, Shalom!
    As a US Constitutional, federal, black citizens of a “super” citizenship status, by the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, this is their/our National Citizenship by which they/we are to experience “equal justice/protections under law, as is enjoyed by white citizens”.

    Such is a matter that generationally, American African, chattel slave descendant have never fully experienced, which is the root cause of America’s woes.

    Note: “And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content, will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual.

    There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.” (Prophet MLK)

    In the midst of the ever-growing American homelessness crisis, and since January 2021 to present, five million plus (5,000,000+), Foreign National whom are now also homeless, scattered throughout my/our country, with the ominously, looming arrival of the 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics, with every internationally associated stakeholders, of government and private sectors, carefully weighing their options to not repeat the 1984 Summer Olympics.

    In blatant violation of everything that is supposedly sacred, moral, just, tranquilly peace, civil and humane for all humanity, the Olympic Committees and the international communities allowed for the LA law enforcement agencies to “sweep”, or “leaf blow” the homeless, i.e., “Jesus” out of sight from a watching world, not wanting it to see the living, human evidence of America’s failed government and society.

    Apparently, since its’ 1896 inception, this kind of matter occurred in every host nation and city of the summer Olympiads as part of its expected legacy, and not so much agitation.

    The 1984 LA Summer Olympics And The Anti-Homeless, Poor Peoples Legacy of the Olympic Committees Legacy
    However, when such occurred during the 1984 LA Olympics season, though there was outcry, the Olympic Committee once again lived up to its legacy and did nothing of real value to prevent law enforcement’s mistreat LA’s homeless, particularly as most of them were American African, US black citizens.

    In fact, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has the ugly legacy of overseeing and chiding the violation of both United Nations, International Human Rights Laws, as well as its own Olympism mission, values and principles for civil interaction for humanities betterment, in every hosting nation and cities.

    This uncivilized behavior of the local government (LA city/county, state, federal), and private sector business stakeholders, along with the approving Triad Olympic Committees, of LA, USA, and International set a precedent for 38 years of law enforcement, “homeless encampment sweeps”, literal bulldozing of, “leaf blowing” homeless citizens away from special national and international events.

    Cases in point – the 1984 LA Olympics | the 1985 bulldozing of Justiceville | 1987 Papal visit of John Paul II | the 2022 National and Super Bowl Championship Games, all of which violated US Civil Rights Law, i.e., the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment

    As Record shows, and you well know, the United Nations Human Rights Council, as well as other such bodies within and independently outside of the UN, i.e., NGO’s has essentially, and rightly, cited LA as being a violator of International Human Rights Laws.

    In calling upon the US Federal Government to take corrective action concerning homelessness, as recent as August 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Commission’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination says,

    “…it remains concerned at the increasing number of state and local laws that criminalize homelessness and at the disproportionately high number of persons belonging to racial and ethnic minorities affected by homelessness.”

    Quoting the National Homeless Law Center (NHLC),

    “Using its strongest language, the Committee, which issued similar concerns during the U.S.’s last review in 2014, further “reiterates its recommendation that the [U.S.] abolish laws and policies that criminalize homelessness; implement strong financial and legal incentives to decriminalize homelessness, including by conditioning or withdrawing funding from state and local authorities that criminalize homelessness and encourage them to redirect funding from criminal justice responses to adequate housing and shelter programs, in particular for persons belonging to racial and ethnic minorities most affected by homelessness.”

    The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has clarified in its General Comment, Number 4, (1991) that regardless of their state of development, States are take certain steps to realize the right to adequate housing immediately and that in this respect priority must be given to those social groups living in unfavorable conditions (para. 10 and 11). Obviously, living in street situation or having no access to adequate housing at all, means living in one of the most unfavorable conditions.

    Should America commit this human rights violation of military enforcement against humanity to resolve a societal caused, malady, i.e., homelessness, the moral of light of this “nation under GOD” shall cease to shine, thereby and inevitably ingulfing the world in the new American Nightmare.

    For the sake of all nations, this looming tragedy must now, immediately be allowed!

    Thanks kindly, and The Most High bless us all in this matter,

    Ted Hayes

    Justiceville EXODUS II: LA 2028 Olympics


    Narrative (B): Two Potential Scenarios

    The Real Interest Holder Favor
    However, it’s not in the interest of the aforementioned parties to once again experience the ugliness of 1984 during the season of 2028 as it what will be the greatest Olympic Summer Games in all of Olympian history, including that of antiquity, being watched by the futures, much greater, tech advanced, world media industry.

    Therefore, if abating measures are not immediately taken, these scenarios will naturally force the POTUS, leader of the Free World to indeed commit the unthinkable and nation-destroying, civil society ending act of dispatching the Armed Forces to resolve the societal caused, social malady of homelessness before both 2028 Summer Olympics.

    1.     Scenario I. After 35 years (1987 -2022) implementing every conceivable, national strategy to resolve homelessness, the White House’s US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the auspices of Office of Domestic Policy Council (ODPC) has publicly admitted to its 35 years of failed strategic national plans, and privately to its inability to house America’s ever growing homeless populations.

    This is especially poignant in light of the huge swell of American citizens driven into homelessness due the sudden, rising inflationary, “hurricane” economy, super recession.

    Note: The US federal governments admission that the “housing first” policy is actually ill-conceived, has nonetheless, and erroneously been the basis and is the “life blood” of human rights groups in the USA and abroad, including the UN, to contend for “shelter” or “housing” as a universal right and the answer to “homelessness” and its purported “criminalization” of its human beings.

    2.     Scenario II. The recent, since January 20, 2021, influx of circa five million (5,000,000), illegally entered, Foreign Nationals now homeless within the borders of the USA, draining the resources of time, compassion passion, and funds, building, properties and lands that should first and foremost be administered to Americans first and foremost.

    No doubt, that imminently, the IHRC will decree and declare these millions of Foreign National homeless as ‘REFUGEES” and their growing, makeshift encampment, shelters, tents, etc., including the large tent cities as in New York or passenger ships, hotels, motels, etc., “REFUGEE CAMPS”, placing them under the auspices and protectorate of the United Nations, including other international human watch bodies, thereby stripping the US of its sovereignty concerning these peoples


    Either way, we American Africans, i.e., black US citizens of the only federal, super citizenship status, yet suffering the most from systemic racism as the primary cause for their/our disproportion numbers and non-willing immigrant complexities, will inevitably be rendered inconsequential, then subsequently demonized-criminalized, thereby giving plausible cause for the militarily to force us back onto chattel slave, plantation camps…

    …as the whole international body politic, including the United Nations, The Hague, and other such human rights watch bodies, foreign and domestic, including the Olympic Committees will, in violation of their own high platitudes of humanity, hypocritically and literally watch silently approving sentiment for the elimination of the human beings upon whose ancestors’ chattel enslaved backs, this nation of immigrants is built even hosting the United Nations Building in New York City.

    Furthermore, it’s a traceable fact, that 90% of the world’s nations technological and as well other modern, industrial advances, including sciences, and global stability is due to the invention and intervention into international affairs, of the upstart, 245 years old (1776 – 2022) Union Republic of the United States, which is built upon the foundation of 245 years of British/American, institutional, chattel slavery industry (1619 – 1865)

    Therefore, it behooves, and is indeed imperative that UNHRC grants my colleagues and I audience to better detail our concern and even alternative resolutions to this ever-growing in numbers and international complexities of crisis.

    You immediately reach me at 424-248-4219

    The blessings of the Most High GOD, El Shaddai, be upon us all,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II:LA 2028

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