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VIDEO – EXODUS II: LA 2028 Potential Military Forced Relocation of Homeless, US Black Citizens (A)


    On July 13, 2022, I was arrested in this action of civil disobedience for protesting the police enforced relocation of homeless persons from their societal forced, encampment located in Centennial Park of the Abbot Kinney Memorial Library, on South Venice Blvd, Venice Beach, California.

    The white citizen gentlemen in background is Mr. Wayne Fishback also an activist and rancher who is homeless, being forced by government out of his home in Simi Valley, CA, and was also arrested within minutes after me.

    The arresting officers are essentially allies, as they are my understanding friends and were very cooperative with our agenda, because theirs is the same.  Truly, this was CIVIL Act of disobedience and there was not arguing, nor name calling, but rather I thanked them for performing their lawful duties.

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