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Ted Hayes To NAACP

    Taking Action NOW

    This is Ted Hayes, America’s foremost and leading Civil Rights-homelessness resolution activist, world citizen Internationalist.

    As such is matter of black lives, I “blow the Shofar”, and loudly cry out, with warning and loving admonition, from the “wilderness” of homelessness despair.

    Even as the Hon. US House of Representatives, Congresswoman, Maxine Waters, one of my mentors correctly said, when she was a California State Assemblywoman, correctly saying 37 years ago,

    “Homelessness is the ultimate statement of what’s wrong within society”

    Though being 11-12% of the national population, in numbers and complexities, American Africans, i.e., US federal, black citizens are over 60% of which is homeless, and in Los Angeles city and county, these Americans make up 8-9% of each, respective jurisdictions, yet in both, black citizens are over 40% homelessness, and LA’s Skid Row, black males exceed 90% of the homeless population.

    It is the correct policy of LAHSA (LA Homeless Services Authority) and that of the Hon. US President, Joe R. Biden White House, that “systemic racism” is the primary cause of such horrid realities yet still in America, and it is therefore, the first Presidential Administration to make that courageous and correct acknowledgement.

    This is a matter that every federal, black citizen and our NGO’s for Civil Rights must know of and properly address it, as it is perhaps the best situation by which over 400 years of unrequited injustices can now be rectified.  It’s a gift from GOD, The Most High!

    The policy asserts that this Presidential concern must be immediately and loudly addressed by humanely resolving the matter, which will subsequently benefit all other homeless US citizens.

    Essentially, the President is waiting for us to give him an answer.

    After 23 years waiting, a Presidential Administration has finally acknowledged the obvious, and has aligned with the three (3) official government Resolutions summoning the President of the United States (POTUS) to directly intervene in the matters of homelessness, particularly as relates to black citizens.

    Some Real Black Power
    The honorable authors of the Resolutions three (3) American African, black citizens women, they are: LA City Councilwomen, Rita Walters and Jan Perry; and LA County Supervisor, Yvonne Brath-Waite Burke; former LAPD Chief as such, is a signatory of the unprecedented, yet prophetic, 1999 JSAP (Joint Statement and Action Plan of the Law Enforcement Working Group), initiated by Ted Hayes.

    See below Government Resolutions

    Going further than any previous Presidential Administration, perhaps, since President Lincoln, The Biden Administration is bidding us to come forward as a functioning, manifested purpose, body politic to negotiate the fate our peoples, even according to the 1866 Civil Rights.

    Thanking The Most High, El Shaddai for His directives, for which the Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team is in deep conversation with the White House US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), also the Executive Director, and the California-Arizona region USICH representative has in their possession our basic, strategic, national plan.

    For 37 years, I have consistently, fore caste, warned and admonished with an accompanying resolution to both the public and private sectors of society, of the day in the future, when homelessness becomes such a public health and safety threat, even now is a “political football” to neighborhoods and communities, that the ethos of our society will eventually, inevitably, naturally, and understandably, embrace a rapid, military enforced relocation of homeless citizens into facilities outside of the urban centers, indefinitely.

    As such an operation against homeless persons, especially striking black citizens the worst, and once again, heaping more devastation on us,  literally, being returned back to the plantation of our chattel enslaved ancestors’ era, thereby in various ways cause the dissolution of the Union and loss of Our Republic, because the military was utilized-weaponized particularly and foremost against, federal, black citizens, as the resolution to a social malady.

    However, what is mandated in the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, can indeed stop, and re channel any such misguided policy, because as the Executive Government, and military are the legal protectorate of us chattel slave descendants, and charged and responsible their/our defense and promulgation as the Constitution demands, as directed in sentence 2, B, stating,

    “…and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them,
    in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.

    More good news! This Law stands alive to this day, though highly obscured, therefore never fully accessed and utilized since its 1863 Presidential Execution, until now.

    The Most High, El Shaddai is graciously revealing the “Declaration of Independence” Law specifically empowers them/us with the necessary Presidential authority to determine our own destiny, hence, the power of the Presidency fulfill 2, B, “that they may make for their actual freedom”, concerning the immediate, intermediate and long term fate of our/us peoples in the midst of all the debate around homelessness…

    …of which we are the disproportion in numbers and complexities.

    As this matter is rapidly shaping up to become a “hurricane”, political controversy concerning homelessness and the 2028 LA Summer Olympics, the NAACP can once again significantly assert itself where its’ legacy left off, dating back to the 1954 US Supreme Court Decision “Brown vs The Board of Education”

    Furthermore, objectively acknowledging the immorality of homelessness in Los Angeles, particularly as it relates to black citizens, Federal, District Judge, the Hon. David Carter, correctly contends that the cause of such disproportion of them/us is, the Emancipation Proclamation has never been fully utilized by either its Subject Beneficiaries or its authors.

    Again, Congresswoman, the Hon. Maxine Waters saying that “Homelessness is the ultimate statement of what’s wrong with society”.

    In this admitted imperfect nation, the greatest imperfection, or as Ms. Waters says, “wrongs” is that of the generations-destroying, institutionalized, chattel slavery industry, and Jim Crowism, and not forgetting the atrocities committed against the American Indigenous Peoples.

    Therefore, black homelessness is the ultimate, ultimate statement of what is wrong or “imperfect” in this Union, including that of both, white and black citizens alike.

    This sound I make on my Shofar, beckons the NAACP to discuss and investigate with the POTUS of these concerns, and his Department of Justice (DOJ), to discover whether that which is being asserted has any truth, possibility to it or not; and/or if it does, why? If not, why? How long has this military enforced relocation strategy been contemplated? Why wasn’t the NAACP informed of this matter.

    And if it is true, by who, what, when, when, and how will this be accomplished?

    Is there a logically, feasible alternative?

    Good News Again!  Yes! There is an alternative.
    It is what Justiceville has been negotiating with nearly every Presidential Administration since the Hon. H. W. Bush, #45, through that of the Hon. Donald J. Trump, to now the Hon. Joe R. Biden, which is dubbed, EXODUS II: LA 2028, its official campaign being launched Wednesday, September 21st.

    If there are no such plans of what is being asserted here, then, thanking The Most High.

    However, nonetheless the NAACP expects the POTUS to take the following humane measures to ensure what is being asserted is not the policy, nor will the government of the United States of America, for the sake of Saving the Union, and thereby Keeping Our Republic, practice said military atrocity in this land.

    Ted Hayes
    Servant Director
    Justiceville – EXODUS II: LA 2028


    The LA Government Resolutions

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