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Two Matters of Our Black Lives

    Two Matters of Our Black Lives and the 2028 LA Summer Olympic
    In alliance with White House policy concerning black citizens, its our objective, that the NAACP takes its leadership role to help achieve the stated Justiceville objective that:

    1. By the July 14th, OPENING DAY of the 2028 LA Summer Olympics, beginning with Los Angeles, the former, National Homelessness Capital and comparatively that of the world, homelessness in LA, and throughout the Our Republic, will have been humanely resolved, as well as its “mainstream” societal causes.
    2. Re-channels’ the purported, intended, military option to that of EXODUS II: LA 2028 that humanely relocate, VOLUNTARY homeless persons, along with a multi-mix of people on any level of the social economic strata, before the 2028 Summer OlympicsBy the POTUS making way “cut red tape” that finally empowers black citizens to determine their own destiny by the federal authority that is their/our inheritance, by doing so, we all avoid global embarrassment, this win-win-win option to divisive antics dangerous to our security and sovereignty, etc.

    However, the achieve such a bold initiative, it is imperative that it must BE empowered by the President of the United States (POTUS), regardless of which political party, being subsequently supported by all LA-Southern California regions’ governments and civilian sector stakeholders, and the full endorsement of the Triad Olympic Committees, which are: LA; USA; International.

    Note: In the words of Ms. Helene Schneider, California-Arizona region representative of the White House Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH) puts it in a letter dated August 4, 20222, saying

    “In terms of the “Exodus” vision you and your colleagues are proposing, it is a bold one indeed to eliminate all unsheltered homelessness by Opening Day of the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. I know many local stakeholders at the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, LAHSA, and multiple service providers share your vision of significantly reducing unsheltered homelessness throughout the region, though perhaps not quite as specific as your proposal suggests. The more we all work together towards a common goal and process, the better the outcomes.”

    However, should We the People, especially us black citizens allow for any military dispatching to resolve a social malady, i.e., homelessness, the US Constitution is destroyed, thereby the Union dissolved, and We the People rightly and morally lose Our Republican Form of Government. (Article 4, Section 4, US Const.)

    Therefore, initiated by the Inglewood NAACP, and together with the State President, enlisting the National President to alert and summon every Chapter in the USA to stop NOW the madness that our country apparently is stumbling into, by forming our ranks around the Presidential execution of EXODUS II: LA 2028, regardless of political affiliation, religion tone, occupation or none, religion, gender, age, social economic status, warring gangs relations, skin tone, etc.,

    Thanks for your leadership participation,

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