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The Disproportion of American African-Black, Federal Citizens

    It is the earnest, true, long awaited for, and morally correct, domestic policy of the Hon. President Joe R. Biden Administration’s White House, via his United States, Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the auspices of the Domestic Policy Council, the primary cause of the overwhelmingly, disproportion of homeless, black black citizens, is America’s “systemic racism” derived from 2345 of years, just over 6 (40 years) generations, and continuing of routine, institutionalized injustices, such as 145 years of chattel slavery, and 99 years of Jim Crowism, i.e., legislated, racial, anti-black citizens, discrimination laws, statutes, ordinances, and even customs.

    The Racial Demographics of United States, Homelessness Culture

    American African, i.e., black citizens of the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of federal, “super” citizenship status, being a mere 11-12% of the national general population, are over 60% of the homelessness;

    In Los Angeles, while being only 8-9% of the County and City proper, black citizens, i.e., Angelinos are over 40% of their respective general populations.

    On and in the Central City East District, dubbed, “Skid Row”, of all homeless persons dwelling there from the hotels, to transitional housing, Single Room Occupancy, Shelters, to the automobiles, vacant building sidewalks and allies, etc., 90% are black men, then by black women and their children, followed by a mixture of ethno-racial identities.

    This matter is extensively discussed as policy on the USICH website, at the Federal Strategic Plan at

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