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Letter To Mr. Trump

    Greetings Mr. Trump, Shalom!
    On July 27,2022 pronouncement of your strategic national homelessness resolution plan to deploy the military, either or both, regular, active-duty troop personnel, and/or Presidential, federalized state national guard to force relocate, INVOLUNTARY homeless, US citizens, permanently into what you call “huge tent cities on cheap (federal) land in one day”.

    Since that time, my Justiceville, White House Negotiating A-Team has been seeking to prevent such an occurrence, as it will destroy the Union, and cause We the People to lose our Republican Form of Government (Art. 4,Sec. 4, US Const.), by sending out warnings and alternatives to your, and any US President’s intention of such an anti-US Constitution, Civil and International Human Right.

    As of July 2022, Justiceville has been in regular communications with the Biden Administration’s USICH (US Interagency Council On Homelessness) calling upon them to speak out and take moral, and legal action against your plan.

    Based on the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act and the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation, Executive Order issued the Hon. Abraham Lincoln, your number one mentor of who you have expressed, want to finish what he was cut off from by the Democrats, have called, and continue to call for this President Joe R. Biden to issue another Executive Order preventing what you have proposed.

    However, sir, to be fair, you did question all of the American, We the People, that while your idea may seem inhumane, nazi-like, cruel, etc., what is more so, leaving homeless to dwell and die while they complain to government about homelessness?!?

    In other words, you have morally and legally challenged We the People who are ordered to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, ensure Domestic Tranquility, etc., that is they don’t neither proposition, then present a realistic, alternative.

    It is our belief, knowing that you are not a racist, white supremacist, you are cleverly forcing upon the American people, the greatest moral decision in US history since the Civil War era, once again about the state and fate of American African-federal, black citizens.

    It is also our belief that, if its not your actual, cognizant intention to raise the moral question as imagined, but indeed out of frustration with the failure of traditional, homelessness social service, NGO’s, so called “non-profit” entities, and therefore, the ongoing, rapidly increasing numbers of homeless persons.

    Such is particularly poignant of hugely, disproportionately, American African, US, federal, black citizens, whom other than the Indigenous Peoples (Indians), are the first, legitimate, federally protected people.

    Listening to your speeches, with all due respect sir, apparently whoever is advising you, have not been able to present some realistic alternatives to what you are intending, which is very dangerous, and even anti-US Constitution, and violates the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation issued by your number one, Presidential mentor, President Abraham Lincoln, and the 1966-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act.

    When you allow me, I will better explain to you either in person or by teleconference.

    Therefore, before implementing yours, would you please grant us audience to present the We the People alternative?

    Linked are severely letters that was sent to you during the time between late September to that of December, when working with your USICH staff, including Mr. Robert Marbutt, Jr., and Mr. Benjamin Hobbs, addressing these matters.

    Please see the attached information, including letters to Biden, even yourself at these links.


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