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The Options

    For obvious reasons, the present condition is unsustainable of which social services and law enforcement are unable resolve homelessness culture.

    The Three (3) Options For Resolving Homelessness Culture:

    1. Leave As Is – Unacceptable and unsustainable
    2. EXODUS II: LA 2028 – The most practical humane approach
    3. Draconian Measures, i.e., military enforcement – destroys Our Union Republic

    The reality of the present and growing situation and circumstances of homelessness cultures is unsustainable, financially, politically, socially, psychologically (emotionally) and morally.

    Such has extreme negative, psychological effects on both homeless and housed citizens, as it is inhumane to societally force human beings to languish in “the streets”, a situation that we will not tolerate for domestic pets.

    Therefore, there are only (2) options left as “Leave As Is” must no longer be a purposeful option, they are:

    1. EXDUS II, The Justiceville Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan, i.e., that humanely resolves homelessness culture and its “mainstream” causes, by operationally relocate the willing homeless persons to suitable locations with all amenities of life on federal lands, according to Article 5 of the McKinney-Vento Act, etc.

    See Please see these links: “EGIIP National Plan” at | “Off ‘the Streets’ Onto Fed Lands” at | “Chartered Townships” at

    While USICH is developing a strategic national plan itself by the input from NGO’s throughout the nation to be released end of September 2022, followed by 9 plus months of interactions, etc., Justice A-Team is the only such entity that is presenting an full, alfa to omega, ideal to the White House, at least not to our knowledge.  However, if USICH is in contact with such an entity, perhaps, we can work together comparing and combining notes.

    1. Draconian and Military option, i.e., forced relocation from urban and suburban centers communities and neighborhoods to federal and/or other public properties, for indefinite quarantining within “public health and safety” facilities…never to leave, having nowhere to go.

    The Narrative

    1. Mainstream societal stresses rejection of “weak” human beings
      See: “Mainstream Resistant”
    2. Even before, COVID pandemic, rentals for smallest apartments, including rooming spaces, or even locations to build “affordable” housing, and the high costs of living, particularly given the present, significant, as well rapid increase of inflation, over population, the stresses of “mainstream” is/has both, pushed/drove/forced economic, socially and psychologically “weaker” persons out of society into homelessness, while simultaneously locking homeless persons out of it.Note: Once a person is out, especially more than six (6) months, the chances of reentering into “mainstream” is highly unlikely or just impossible.

    Note: Those of poverty statuses and desire to participate in “mainstream”, even with its heightening stress levels, are forbidding to enter.

    1. Even if all homeless persons sincerely wanted to participate in the growing shelter efforts, and all willingly left the “streets”, i.e., sidewalks, automobiles, etc., and they were all sheltered in the various programs from tiny houses villages to hotels, etc.,the question is, “Where in the mainstream will they go, and how will they sustain and maintain their stay there?

    Note: As the internal organs, i.e., intestines, naturally push and squeeze fecal matter out of the anatomy, so it is with the mainstream.

    1. Homelessness Culture
      Though pushed out into the harshness of homelessness, as normal human beings, after being in such condition, former housed persons, naturally adjust, acclimate and culturize into it; thereby embracing the “pain” which keeps them sane, then they recognize the freedom from stressed out mainstream, shed their desire to be there.


    Note: In other words:
    a. homelessness cultured persons have discovered tranquility in what appears to onlookers to be misery;

    b. even as the slave who inadvertently wondered off the plantation and tasted liberation from slavery, and finding new found freedoms, they subsequently have no desire to return to it;

    1. c. or, the person who escaped his burning mansion, and correctly refusing to re-enter.
    2. The Failures
      Social services and outreach programs haven’t and can’t resolve this matter, even after billions of dollars since 1985.


    1. Police,e., LAPD law enforcement has also failed on many levels, including being stymied by the Jones and Boise Acts, as well other stringent “red tape” policies that prevents enforcement of the laws of all important, public health and safety codes, which is why the LASD step up to resolve the matter


    1. LA Sheriff Department has simply made matters worse by its intervention, as give the general public the impression that “something” is being done, but in actuality, the homeless persons and their encampments were/are simply moved to another location, but not out of homelessness.In fact, by making the matter worse, due to false premises of its actions, the Sheriff has made the matter worse by first raising hopes which are being dashed, thereby leaving public opinion having no choice but to support and eventual military option.


    The only realistic option is EXODUS II: LA 2028

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