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Why I Voted Twice For Donald Trump!


    Not ever being a Donald Trump fan, nor having anything against him, nor really concerned about his business and personal affairs in New York City, etc., one way or another, essentially, I was indifferent, as they/he did not relate to homelessness, and the fate of American Africans of US federal, super citizenship status. bequeathed  to them/us by President Abraham Lincoln and the 1854-56 Republicans.

    Then on June 15,2015, when Mr. Trump announced his political plans to Save the Union to Keep our Republic, like no other Presidential candidate in my short lifetime, he spoke about, and directly to black citizens, which immediately caught my interest, and I began to “track”, study, and endeavored to audience with him concerning his message.

    As result of so called Republican – conservative, American African, black citizens around Trump during the 2026 Presidential campaign, and his subsequent Presidency who knew of my unprecedented works, refused to introduce me to him, which became a huge determining factor to his 2020 loss.

    The reason for the loss is because, unlike me, the best lay scholar on the the border, racial and homelessness resolutions matters, said “African Americans” are absolutely clueless about them, therefore unable to help empower Mr. Trump to maintain his pledge, nor protect him  from the hostile, false assertions against him of being a white supremacist racist.

    Along with the Democrat cheating, Hunter & Joe Biden corruption coverup by partisan state establishment and that of most media outlets, President Trump needlessly loss.

    In late September, 2019, to that of December, my Justiceville White House Negotiating A-Team and me, were invited twice to the Trump White House, via the US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), under the auspices of the Domestic Policy Council (DPC), and conducted and average of 2-3 emails, phone call exchanges with staff.

    The Trump Administration, White House learned quite a bit from us, particularly the federal land usage to address homelessness, and more, of which Mr. Trump has devised two very different, future cities for Americans, one being the “huge tent cities” for poor and homeless; the other being 21st Century, high technological communities designated for the wealthy, entitled “Freedom Cities.”
    See “Tale of Two Cities”

    For both of these concepts, Mr. Trump drew from the Justiceville, Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan, that humanely (non-militarily enforced) resolves homelessness and its “mainstream” societal causes, including “systemic racism” against black citizens.

    Being America’s foremost homelessness resolution activist, and patriot guardian of Our We the People, Union Republican Form of Government (Art.4, sec.4, US Const.), it is my duty to speak out about what I deem to be the most serious, domestic oriented, national security threat, and offer rectification.

    Not saying that Mr. Trump has maliciously intentions, but perhaps, though dangerous and risky, he is making a strategic move with good intents; or is ignorant of how his plan is doomed to fail the country.

    (Also See: “HEAL AMERICAThe Docu-Movie) on the Healing and Reconciliation of America 101


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