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Let # To Mr. Olivet: “Still Awaiting POTUS Response”

    Ted Hayes <>
    To:Jeff Olivet
    Cc:Helene Schneider, Beverley Ebersold,Tanya Mathis
    Fri, Apr 7 at 12:23 PM

    Re: Visiting DC For In Depth Quality Discussions

    Greetings Mr. Olivet, et al, Shalom!
    You are most welcome, and appreciate your note of best wishes, as I/we pray that for you and staff.

    Such prayer for you is especially poignant, because next to the military and secret national security, USCIH has the most completed task in the White House, having only a 17 member staff, authority and financing to accomplish its 1987 Congressional commission to nationally resolve homelessness.

    So, I/we do understand and sympathize with your predicament, particularly, even if you agree with us, USICH is not authorized to address our expectation of the President of the United States (POTUS), one way or another, of which we do respect and understand.

    Repeating: The Expectation

    1.     Phase I: Execute the Presidential Executive Order that forbids military enforced relocation and permanent resettlement of homeless, US Citizens into detention/concentration-like camps.

    2.     Phase II: POTUS sends the Order to Congress for permanent Congressional Legislation.

    Sir, it’s really puzzling as to why what, or whoever, has jurisdiction over this matter, can’t seem to give you/us a solid, immediate answer.  Yes or no!

    Dating back 8 months, to the July 27,2022, 2024, announcement by the Hon. Donald J. Trump, former President #45 to militarily enforce the relocation of homeless, the Biden Administration has not met our persistent requests, but mysteriously remaining silent, as is the whole Democratic Party, and especially the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), et al., which we black citizens have unquestionably supported since 1964.

    And now we ask of the Democrats, one simple matter, albeit it does mean our “actual freedom”, or return to chattel slavery and Jim Crowism.

    All we are doing, is heeding his August 11,2011 warning, that the Republicans “gonna have ya’ll back in chains”, etc., and thanks to him, we are taking the counter measures by expecting President Biden to rescue us from the Trump, or any other such plan.

    It just doesn’t add up, as all that we expect of the Hon. Joe R. Biden, President #46, is simply to  protect us black citizens.

    After winning the November 6,2020 election, on the 7th, he thanked and admitted his indebtedness to us saying, “You have always had my back, I will always have Yours.”

    Well now, don’t you think that it is time for Mr. Biden to honor his promised debt, as there is stealth “knife” approaching our back.  If he can’t keep this promise now. When will he?

    Alarmingly, none of the 74,000,000 plus Americans who ardently support the Republican leader, have not yet taken issue with him on this humanitarian matter.  That’s a lot of support, should Mr. Trump become 2024 POTUS #47.

    As the apparent, 2024 Democratic, Presidential candidate, Mr. Biden will have to address the Republican, Mr. Trump’s intent for US citizens, so why not get on the offense ahead of it?

    If executed, the Trump plan will destroy our Republican Form of Government, because such is the true essence of insurrectional violation of the mandates of the January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation; the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14Amendment Act; as well as the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, of which GOD is The Centra Figure;

    Note: “true insurrection” occurred in April 11,1861 act of military, Constitutional rebellion against the federal Union in order maintain the right of peculiar industry of institutionalizes, “systemic racism”-causing, chattel enslavement of American Africans.

    Therefore, based on the 1861, military enforced insurrection against the United States of America, the Trump, or any other such plan, is indeed, actual insurrection, particularly due to the reality that black citizens, whose ancestors were/are the center of the Civil War conflict, are the predominance of homelessness, today.

    Finally, sir, to avoid these long letters, lets courteously arrange that my team can come to DC to have quality time to discuss this matter with the appropriate personnel, even as we did twice with the Trump Administration.

     At least that USICH respectfully afforded us ample opportunities to discuss with them in person for several hours, each time, as well as emails, texts and phone conversations, by which they learned plenty from us.

    Also, in turn, you can assure us as to why we have no need to fear, or be paranoid of the military option, as you have verbally said, it does not exist…but we need that in official writing.

    A-Team is prepared to travel anytime, ASAP, or we can initially go up to Santa Barbara to meet with Ms. Schneider.  Or we can conduct another, but longer extended zoom. What do you think?

    If nothing else, you will find our visitation well worth it, even as did the Trump USICH, which according to him in the spring of 2019, he admitted not knowing what to do about homelessness.

    Then some 3 years later, after learning from us, Mr. Trump comes up with two perverted aspects of the Justiceville EXODUS II initiative, in the matter of federal lands of permanent housing for a mixed, sociological scales communities, completely new in concept, planned, 21st Century Tech, government chartered (federal, state, county, municipal) villages, townships cities, etc.

    See  EGIIP at | New Frontier 2- “Transitioning Off ‘Streets’ Onto To Federal lands” at | (“Mainstream Resistant” at  | “Government Chartered Townships” at

    The longer this matter is not cleared up, Justiceville, as well as all NGO social services are stymied on how we can continue our homelessness resolution works.

    We and all caring Americans need to know the truth of this matter, lest their good works and intentions will be nullified and in vain.

    Somehow, I/we do get the sense though, that the NGOS homelessness services seem to not be so concerned about this matter as is Justiceville, which again, as with the CBC et al, it causes us paranoia that these advocates, especially the activist have not addressed it.  Simply alarming and astounding!

    So please, help us to understand.

    Thanks kindly, and may the peaceful blessings of The Most High be upon us all,

    Ted Hayes
    Justiceville EXODUS II

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