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Trump Cities, Narrative IV: “The Trump Policy On Military Enforced Homeless Relocation”


    The Huge Tale of Two Trump Paternal Twin Cities
    For the Sake of Public Health and Safety, One for the Wealthy, One for the Poor-Homeless

    Narratives II: “Federal Land Usage”
    I: “The Prevailing Winds”

    III: “Strategic Plan ‘Off the Streets onto Federal Lands”
    The Emancipation Proclamation

    For purposes of clarity, and minimizing confusion, as well as any misunderstanding in the Justiceville Policy and its intent concerning the matter of the July 27,2022 pronouncement of former, US President, Donald J. Trump, that as President he will put all homeless, US citizens into permanent, “huge tent cities in one day”, which means a massive, well-orchestrated, military operation.

    This policy is not an attack on Mr. Trump, as he does offer an alternative whereby We the People must make an unprecedented moral decision not experienced since the US Civil War era, concerning the fate of American African, federal black citizens

    Making matters of puzzling and curious, strangely, on August 14,2011, the Vice President of the United States of America, the Hon. Joe R. Biden, admonished and warned, nervously, “not know what to make of it” giggling, American Africans, i.e., United States federal, black citizens that “They gonna have ya’ll back in chains.”

    No doubt, Mr. Trump is aware of Mr. Biden’s statement, which begs the question, why then, 11 months later, would the former POTUS, knowing how the left, liberal, progressive, “woke”, Democratic Party, and especially the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) despises him as erroneously a racist, white supremacist, make such a WWII era, Nazi concentration-like/American Japanese internment statement on July 27,2022?  Rather interesting and strangely intriguing!!!

    As most high-level, political leaders, and learned scholars in the history of this self-admitted, imperfect Union which professes to be under the direct auspices of a federal, Republican Form of Government (Art. 4, Sec. 4), Mr. Biden was fully cognizant of the shameful legacy of its 245 years practice of generations-destroying, chattel slavery (1619-1865).

    The VP also knew that the USA Union inherited the institutionalized industry of marketing living, human property from the British Empire in July 2-4,1776, and that it was not the Republican, but rather, Democratic Party which insisted on maintaining the damnable practice.

    It was the “1854-56” Republican Party, which by the January 1,1863, Presidential Executive Ordered, Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln, as Commander in Chief of the military, led the self-admitted, imperfect Union’s federal armies that put defeated those of the chattel slave holding, Democratic Party-led, conservative, minded, Southern Confederacy.  This Mr. Bien knew also!

    The Hon. Mr. Biden knows that the USA, federal government, via the Executive Branch was forced to wage a defensive war against the greatest, to date, rebellious to Constitution, insurrection movement in its history, dubbed the hot “Civil War”, started by the insurrectionist, Democratic Party on April 11,1861, ending chattel slavery in the Spring of 1865.

    Yet, the “they” to who Mr. Biden refers, is today’s, peculiarly silent on the matter, Republican Party, of which black citizens did not pursue or research the matter.

    Republicans or Democrats
    According to history, found in the US Library of Congress, as well as The Archives, etc., while Mr. Biden warned black citizens against the Republican Party, he deliberately would not identify which political entity was the primary cause of their woes today, which is the his own, the Democratic.

    Apparently, Mr. Biden was secure to enough to “gaslight” the Republicans, and plus knowing that 99% of black citizens, for various reasons, are not cognizant of this historical truth, which is exactly what the Democratic Party has historical, overtly or covertly, kept American Africans ignorant about it, fearing the consequences.

    So, “chains” mean, back to the plantations of chatter slavery, “back” supposedly alluring to Republicans, when in returning back to that historical time, it was the Democrats who held American Africans in such bondage for 245 years (1619-1865))

    Enter: The Trump Proposal
    Then strangely, twelve (11 years later from August 14, 2011, on July 27,2022, former, US President, the Hon. Donald J. Trump, that as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, he will execute his strategic, national, homelessness resolution plan, which is now a significant “plank” / portion of his 2024, Presidential campaign platform.

    The controversial, second time, hated, Presidential candidate, Mr. Trump, who professes President Abraham Lincoln to be his number one Presidential mentor, has pledged his plan will put American Africans, i.e., federal, black citizens, who are homeless into permanent facilities of which calls “huge tent cities on cheap land outside of the nation’s urban centers in “1day”, i.e., chains and plantations, just as Mr. Biden predicted.

    For many reasons, these “huge tent cities” or “relocation centers”, supposedly intended to help poor peoples, will eventually transform into internment-concentration camps, slave plantations, which of course will done in the name of “public health and safety”, including, “law and order”.

    The “1-day” means that as Commander in Chief of the armed forces, he will dispatch the FEMA directed, military, whether Department of Defense (DOD), federal regular troops, and/or federalized State National Guard to carry out his strategic plan, as it is only entity, public and private, i.e., that can carry out such a massive operation successfully.

    Concomitantly, to be just and fair to Mr. Trump is reasonably challenging all Americans asking, which is more inhumane, his intents, or leaving homeless persons to languish to death in the streets of homelessness, while community-neighborhood residents continue to complain about homelessness?

    Whether intentionally or inadvertently, Mr. Trump has rightly saddled, the self-professed, “GOD fearing” Americans to make the most moral decision in US history since the Civil War era.

    The Strange Silence of Biden, et al,
    However, even more interesting and intriguing, since Mr. Trumps July 27,2022 pronouncement of his military enforced homeless relocation strategic plan, is that, after we have repeatedly questioned the Biden Administration via the White House, US Interagency Council On Homelessness (USICH), The President has thus far refused to officially counter the Trump intention.

    On December 2,2022, during a zoom conference with the USICH, its Executive Director, Mr. Jeff Olivet, professed that the Biden Administration does not agree with the Trump proposal, nor anywhere in all of the federal departments is there such a policy or plan to militarily enforce the relocation of homeless persons.

    When it was requested that such a position be officially verified in writing, there has not been any reply from a strangely quiet on this matter, White House, whose President Biden considers himself as the arch rival of the Donald Trump, the most racist, white supremacist in all of world history.

    Could it be, as the new Los Angeles Mayor privately believes, that regardless of Trump, the military option is the only way that homelessness on the massive, national scale that will prevent the total, chaotic breakdown of our society, as it is equipped to do so.

    Furthermore, contributing to the present, huge, growing, domestic homeless crisis, is that of the daily added influx of thousands of circa 7,000,000 plus, Foreign Nationals, illegally within and homeless, scattered throughout our country.

    As of the present, this is my personal “Paul Revere” objective, to alert all Americans of the Trump military plan, and deafening silence of President Biden to strike out against it.

    Matters portend that Mr. Trumps proposal will become the most and controversial topic of national security debated in 2023, intensifying to fever pitch during to end of 2024 Presidential campaign, whereby, the Union could dissolve, and our Republic be lost.

    The Trump Homelessness Resolution Proposal
    If re-elected 2024, it is the self-stated intent of the then President Trump to quickly resolve “visible” homelessness throughout America by putting homeless, US citizens into “huge tent cities on cheap land outside of urban centers, in one day (1-Day).

    “Perhaps some people will not like hearing this, but the only way you’re going to remove the hundreds of thousands of people, and maybe throughout our nation millions of people,…is open up large parcels of inexpensive land in the outer reaches of the cities, bring in medical professionals…build permanent bathrooms and other facilities, make ‘em good, make ‘em hard, but build them fast, and build thousands and thousands of high-quality tents, which can be done in one day. One day. You have to move people out.”

    “Some people say, ‘Well, that’s horrible,’ but no, what’s horrible is what’s happening now,” he said.

    Additionally, Mr. Trump said his strategy would help drive “the ambition of these people” to not be homeless. “I want to save our cities.”

    Adding greater impetus to the nation-destroying travesty, is the 2028 LA Summer Olympics, preceded by the 2026 World Cup Soccer championship, in that America must not been in the eyes of the international world, as a failing society-civilization based on Free Market Capital Enterprise under a Republican Form of Government, by it booming homelessness population.

    Therefore, the homeless must be “disappeared”, or “ghosted” sometime before the 2028 LA Olympics.

    The Resolution
    This greatest of moral questions being posed to America, leaves them in perplexing dilemma, in that they are against military enforced homeless relocation, yet, the same doesn’t want them in their streets, what then is the reasonable, moral option, leaving the only way out is the Justiceville EXODUS II: 2028 LA Olympics, the only, basic “blueprint” Comprehensive, Strategic National Policy and Plan.

    Provided that the full weight of Presidential authority, i.e., The Seal of his consigned powers, and the resources of the submitted military as intended by the Emancipation Proclamation is applied, on the July 14,2028 OPENING DAY of the LA Olympics, EXODUS will have humanely (non-military enforcement) resolved the bulk of “visible” homelessness.

    (Also See: “HEAL AMERICAThe Docu-Movie) on the Healing and Reconciliation of America 101


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