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The Tale of Two Trump Cities: Narrative I, “The Prevailing Winds”


    The Huge Tale of Two Trump Paternal Twin Cities
    Addressing the “Prevailing Winds” of Involuntary and Voluntary Population Relocation

    For the Sake of Public Health and Safety, One for the Wealthy, One for the Poor

    Narrative I: “The Prevailing Winds”
    Narratives II: “Federal Land Usage”
    Narrative III: “Strategic Plan ‘Off the Streets onto Federal Lands”
    Narrative IV: “The Trump Military Homeless Relocation Policy”
    The Emancipation Proclamation

    Apparently and naturally, Nature and Natures’ GOD, Who Is The Most High, El Shaddai, is sending “prevailing winds” of HIS Holy Spirit causing the mindset of humanity to intensely desire exiting, or making Exodus from self-destructing, urban-suburban societies, to journey into ones which are geo-physically elsewhere and suitable for less stress living cultures.

    The prevailing winds are characterized by the desire of each character or stakeholder to for homeless persons to relocate somewhere away from their respective premises/property, including that of government.

    However, most significantly, homeless persons themselves are of the same sentiment, thereby also seeking to relieve themselves form the turbulent, societal stresses of mainstreams urban-suburban societies, but like most other Americans particularly they of the “quiet quitters” movement, have no legal and suitable local to vacate to.

    Therefore, these stakeholders are community-neighborhood residents, storefront-retail proprietors, and property owners, including peace officers, even the homeless, would like to vacate the ravages of homelessness, and relocate elsewhere, as well, in order to save their assets, i.e., minds and souls.

    While all parties are correctly fixated on relocation, they, nor does the homeless know where that mysterious, “Promised Land” is located; or, if they do, getting there remains an astronomical, and daunting challenge, legally and financially, etc.

    Herein lays the “miracle” power, that by them all, especially including the homeless, having mutual commonality in the “winds” of relocation, because it forges the unlikely unity base, whereby each are amicably satisfied.

    The clarion call of Justiceville for the combined, US Presidential and federal owned properties/lands, including decommissioned, military bases, is more poignant today than ever over the last 38 years, still having the only, “blueprint” basic, Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan in America, is now more poignant than ever.

    The Justiceville documentations reveals the locations of the American “Promised Land”, as well as the authorities by which the federal government/Presidency – “Egypt-Pharoah” will let GOD’s homeless people go.

    As a We the People instrument “to more perfect the Union, establish Justice, secure Domestic Tranquility, etc.,” i.e., homeless resolution, being Divinely, Preamble ordered, Justiceville seeks that which The Supreme Judge of the world has charged to this “Egypt”- government, concerning the business of homeless persons, particularly those of US chattel slavery descendancy.

    It strongly appears that former, US President, Donald J. Trumps’ proposed twin cities are founded on certain, legally gleaned aspects the Justiville documents, of which he has courageously, proposed two, new world, 21st Century technologically advanced, futuristic, paternal twin cities systems.

    1. “Huge Tent Cities” (HTC) for the homeless announced on July 27,2022
    2. “Freedom Cities” (FC) for the wealthy announced on March 2,2023

    Though of different in physical appearances and purposes, the twin, Trump cities have several identical, cultural – ethos features, driven by public health and safety-security concerns.

    This developed and developing mindset of the financial wealthy and poor, is to drop out of, and escape from our tumultuously stressed, “mainstream” society, to physically flee to a more suitable refuge, fortresses or home.

    These are the five (5) identical features of the twins:

    1. The Two Ism of the Ethos
      • Dropout, culture psychology
      • Escapism, getting away from “mainstream” society
    1. Seeking the refuge of a “promised land” federal land usage
    2. Public/private financial partnership
    3. Public health and safety/security concerns
    4. The Dropout/Escape Ethos (DEE)
      The rapidly growing, multi-movement for physiological transitioning away from a society which is causing, seemingly non-rectifiable, social maladies.Regardless of socio-economic-civic class status, all of American, We the People are stress-suffering from unproperly attended, generational wounds which fester in the unhealed soul of our exceptional, erroneously purported, “immigrant…one nation under GOD”, Republican Form of Government. (Art.4, Sec.4, US Const.)

    These societal-caused soul wounds re keenly experienced primarily within our over-populated, slavish, stress-filled, auto traffic-choked, urban-suburban centers, plagued by intensely troubling episodes of racial and civil unrest.

    Note: At this point, a matter which will be discussed later, is the troubling, and little discussed, “soul wounds” or poor white Americans, especially, in rural regions, such as Appalachian and Ozarks Mountains, even urban centers, etc.
    Note: Also, later to be discussed is the soul wound to American Indigenous Peoples (so-call Indians)

    Unable, therefore unwilling to embrace US Constitutional, social/civic and governing responsibilities, the DOE our mindset is to seek the plethora of temporal, distracting, pain-masking anesthetics of massive entertainment.

    As with additive narcotics (illicit and legit), the soul wound is driving Americans to crave the “medicines” of entertainment “physicians” including the industries of: the wide range of sports; massive audio-visual arts; including interactive, social media platforms; sex; and in some cases, thrilling, natural, human adrenalin high of dangerous street club activities, as well as violence, etc.

    Some DEE (Dropout Escape Ethos) Culture Movements – as respective pioneers of a Nordu Ordu Seclurum (New World Order), that escaped this failing society, whether unhoused/homeless or residential housed, of every socio-economic level, from the richest to poorest, are mutually seeking a better one.

    • Cruising
      Americans are taking refuge as permanent residents of cruise ships, paying appropriate, annual fees for cabins of various class levels, as long as desired, even retirement, cities at sea.
    • RVing (Recreational Vehicle)
      Americans are opting to comfortable, far a less stressed, sightseeing, fun-filled adventurous, inexpensive lifestyle “on the road”, avoiding high costs of rentals, mortgages and daily sustenance, etc.
    • Quiet-quitting
      The DEE mindset is quite noticeable among the youthful-middle aged young people who are of the “quiet quitters” movement, while maintaining employment, but are not contributing their fully energy to work.
    • Use of “cheap” federal lands
      In 1988, 36 years before Mr. Trumps March 2,2023 announcement of utilizing the one third (1/3) of federally owned American land to construct his twin cities, beginning in 1985, Justiceville campaigned, even lobby the 100th Congress (1987-1988) for the use of any and all federal surplus propertied, building, equipment, lands, including decommissioned military bases for homelessness resolution purposes.

    On July 22,1987, what was HR # 558, became federal Public Law N0. 100-77 included Article V, of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, which is what Justiceville, lobbied for.

    For whatever reason, the social service providers, and activist, even local, Los Angeles government officials, keep this great American achievement by a small group of adventurous, visionary, hard working homeless persons, a top secret.

    • Financially function via public-private partnership
      Form 1985, Justiceville has always campaigned for total, private investment in its Comprehensive, Strategic, National Policy and Plan, opting to reject federal, i.e., already, overburdened, taxpayers’ funding.However, the Trump cities are federal funded, with some private investments.The public/private partnership of Justiceville advocates government (federal, state, county, city) oversight of officially chartered villages, townships, cities, etc., thereby, minimizing the potential of corruption and cultism.
    • Public health and safety/security concerns
      As the most visible expression of DEE-ism, like their fellow DOSE-er, homeless persons also strongly desire to escape their mutual circumstantial situation of society, but they have nowhere to LEGALLY go, having no refuge from the societal madness.

    The Partial Justiceville ,Trump Twin Cities Plan
    Interestingly, for some strange cause, it seems that as “a good guy”, perhaps, Mr. Trump has strategically gleaned only certain, deliberately controversial portions of the Justiceville plan for his twin cities.

    The controversy:
    The plan of Mr. Trumps’ is  essentially one of economic apartheid, in that, it socially and economically, as well as geo-physically segregates the residents two types of aparthied cities, one for the volunteering financially wealthy; and the other for that poor-homeless who are militarily forced into those of “Huge tents”, the two never seriously interacting again.

    Whereas the Justiceville, EXODUS II plan is an all voluntary, socially-economically amalgamated, Love and hope filled, vision-incentive driven, as medicinal time capsules, timely orchestrated, civil population of the wealthy and poor in the Freedom Cities.

    The content of these document links, reveal that the basics of what Mr. Trump is intending, is Justiceville based, and therefore, warrants the he converses with us on the matter.

    Further, perhaps, Mr. Trumps’ plans are indeed independent of Justiceville’s on population relocation, then, all the more reasons that such we like minds collaborate with The Most High, El Shaddai, to bring that new, technologically oriented society into an advanced, humane-civil, American Dream “Promised Land”.

    These documents prove that Justiceville was 38 years  ahead of the Trump “Freedom Cities” initiative.

    Please See : “Summary of EGIIP” at – | “The New Frontier II” at – including “The JFK Moonshot” at – |  “Strategic Plan ‘Off the Streets onto Federal Lands, etc.” at – |  “Government Chartered Townships” at – and “Mainstream Resistance” at –

    (Also See: “HEAL AMERICA
    The Docu-Movie) on the healing and reconciliation of America 101

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